Chapter 517 Forget Everything About Her

The black pupils of the evil spirit holding the chainsaw were clear for a moment, he looked at the little Taotie suspiciously, and tilted his head: "Is it a demon?"

He shook his head negatively: "It's a human being."

The old man could not see the evil spirit, let alone hear the sound of the evil spirit. He controlled the robot to attack the little Taotie crazily.

The robot's hands are full of electric shocks, as long as it touches the little Taotie, the little Taotie will be stunned by the electric shock.

Little Taotie's pupils are crazily rotating Milky Way, it seems that he has lost his own mind, and it seems that his mind has merged with someone's mind, the whole little person is full of chilling aura.

The little braids were loosened one by one, the long hair was windless, and her small face was snow-white. She had a small face, as if her facial features had been frozen by the thousand-year-old ice, and she lost her usual vivacity. Her lips were tightly pressed together like It is the sharpest sword, and there is no trace of a small dimple.

The great white wolf trembled, his legs bent involuntarily, a shock from the depths of his soul.

It looked up quietly, its eyes were full of shock, and for a moment, palpitations of fear, and an instinctive sense of surrender rushed to its heart.

It felt the fear of the strong and the law of the forest, which was the deterrent force from the tiger and lion.

Coercion from the strong!

The great white wolf lowered its head and prostrated deeply on the ground, like a human kneeling down to the emperor, the wolf clan prostrates itself on the ground to worship a higher race.

The boy bound on the back of the great white wolf seemed to have sensed it, and his thick eyelashes like butterfly wings trembled, gradually waking up.

He opened his eyes, and the first thing he looked at was Xiao Taotie's direction, and this look made him tremble with fear.

The little Taotie jumped up, jumping three feet high, and jumped directly on the robot's head, the robot's hands full of electric shocks slapped towards the little Taotie, and the little Taotie kicked towards him——

"Bang!" A loud noise.

Head off!

The robot's head rolled to the ground, and the wires sprang from the neck, making a crackling sound.

Little Taotie jumped off the ground, landed in front of that robot head, kicked in the air, and took this head as a football!

The robot's body is indeed strong, but its joints are its weak points, and the weakest point is its neck.

The old man didn't know how this "little monster" saw that the weakest part of the robot was the neck, and he panicked at this moment.

His greatest reliance on taming those wild beasts was this robot, and now the robot was about to be scrapped, and if this continued, let alone this "little monster", he couldn't even deal with those wolf cubs.

With trembling hands, he made a call.

"Beep beep..."

No one connects.

"damn it!"

"When it comes to critical moments, I always don't answer the phone!"

The old man pointed his mobile phone at Little Taotie and began to shoot. Just as he was about to send the video, a hand suddenly reached out and snatched his mobile phone away.

"Who is it!!!" The old man suddenly looked up, completely unaware that there was a third person here.

Standing in front of him was Hua Jinyan who had untied his long johns. He originally wanted to help the little Taotie, but seeing that the little Taotie was "playing football" well, he didn't need his help at all, so his goal was aimed at the old man.

The big white wolf who spouted words did surprise him, but soon he understood everything from the trembling voice of the big white wolf, and the culprit was this old man!

Hua Jinyan fiddled with the phone, deleted the video, checked the chat history between the old man and another phone number, raised his eyelids, and looked at the old man with calm eyes as deep as an ancient well: "Forget everything about her..."

(End of this chapter)

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