Chapter 523 Little Colleague

Hua Jinyan was not used to asking adults for things, and his voice was a little dry.

The captain of Team Seven looked at the big white wolf obediently being hugged by the boy with the "dog's head", and also at the little boy's lips tightly pursed, very persistent, and became troubled: "Can you tell me how it was saved?" You?"

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes, and said slowly: "The old man ordered it to bite us. It didn't obey. The old man wanted to kill us. It stood in front of us to fight against the robot."

The captain of Team Seven looked at the pile of scrap iron, "The it destroyed?"

If it ruined it, let alone let it be with the child.

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "No."

Mo Haihao lowered his voice and said, "It's the one in my arms."

Captain of Team Seven: "..."

With difficulty, he shifted his gaze to the little cub in Mo Haihao's arms. It was a small ball, soft, with a white and tender face, and long and curly eyelashes, like the eyes of a little girl. Butterfly, with a rosy mouth and pouting, looks so obedient and so cute.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

Before Mo Haihao could answer the captain of the seventh team, the captain of the first team laughed: "Lao Qi, you have been too busy recently, haven't you watched TV?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't even know Little Taotie! She's a starlet, and she's very popular recently!"

"Little star..." The captain of the seventh team looked at the cute sleeping face of the little girl, and nodded: "It looks like a star, is it the object of this rescue?"

"Old Seven! Are you stupid, don't you know the big news in the bureau recently? We have two youngest colleagues ever in our bureau!"

"17 years old?" The captain of the seventh team frowned: "Can't you wait another year, and you have to work for the bureau before you reach the age of majority."

"Lao Qi! They say you are young! Small! Small! Say important things three times!"

"Sixteen?" The captain of the seventh team frowned even tighter. Seeing the captain of the first team shaking his head, he said in a deep voice, "Could it be fifteen?"

The captain of the first team pointed to Hua Jinyan, then pointed to the sleeping little Taotie, "Two, new colleagues."

"Go away!" The captain of the seventh team was stunned: "Don't make trouble! Don't make such a joke!"

The captain of the first team spread his hands: "If you don't believe me, ask the third and fourth."

The captain of the seventh team looked at Mo Haihao and the captain of the fourth team.

Mo Haihao nodded: "It's true, it's included in my team."

Captain of the fourth team: "I only found out today, not too long before you."

The captain of Team Seven took a breath before calming down. He looked at Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie in surprise and curiosity: "Tou agrees, which means they have something extraordinary. What's so special about them?"

Captain of the fourth team: "I heard that you can see Ah Piao."

Captain of the first team: "Let me add, Xiao Taotie knows kung fu."

Mo Haihao shook his head: "Actually, it's not that she knows kung fu, but she is born with great strength. In order to cover up, she announced that the little girl is learning martial arts in Shaolin Temple."

The captain of Team Seven looked in disbelief at the sleeping soundly, pouty little cub, unable to recover for a long time.

The captain of the Seventh Team who came back to his senses looked at Hua Jinyan who was still holding the "dog head" tightly, thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Since you are my little colleague, I will say something clearly. This is not a dog at all, but a dog." It is a wolf. It may have eaten human flesh, or it may have eaten live poultry, it is a beast. It is full of uncertain dangers, and you cannot keep it."

The great white wolf was so wronged that he wanted to explain that he had never eaten human flesh!Never ate live poultry!
Although I feel wronged, I still firmly remember Hua Jinyan's warning and don't speak human words.

It lowered its eyes, pitifully.

I thought: The life of the wolf is over.

(End of this chapter)

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