Chapter 524 Great White Wolf Mu Qiang

Hua Jinyan glanced at it, and continued to hug it tightly, but did not let go.

The captain of the Seventh Team said kindly: "Do you like Samoyeds? I'll give you the cutest one, and it will make you closer when you grow up."

Hua Jin said in a low voice, with a faint cry: "I want it."

"Why doesn't it make sense!" The captain of the Seventh Team said in a deep voice, trying to attack him.

The captain of the first team hurriedly smoothed things over: "The child is still young, don't scare him to tears!"

The captain of the fourth team nodded: "He is still young, so speak well."

Mo Haihao sighed: "We were separated at the time. As he said, if the wolf went crazy and bit them, we can only collect their corpses now. This wolf is indeed their savior and meritorious minister."

"What do you want?" The captain of Team Seven frowned, his eyes serious.

Mo Haihao coughed dryly, and said with difficulty: "It's quite obedient, you see, it always thought it was a Samoyed, harmless."

"Oh, it's a wolf!" The captain of the seventh team said coldly: "Do you know them? Know them better than me?"

In front of the beast master, who dares to say that he understands?Mo Haihao laughed dryly: "Maybe... maybe the gene has mutated?"

The captain of the seventh team saw that the child refused to let go, and lost his patience. He took a deep breath and said, "Two people, separate them!"

It's useless to say it anyway, so you can only use hard methods.

Two members of Team Seven came over and stepped forward, trying to separate Hua Jinyan from the wolf.


Wolves and humans seem to be completely stuck together.

"Captain, we dare not use brute force, in case we hurt the child..."

The captain of the seventh team frowned and became tangled.

If it doesn't work, just hurt it!
It's better than being bitten to death by wolves in the future!
Just when he was about to give the order to use force, the little Taotie in Mo Haihao's arms was woken up.

Little Taotie opened his big foggy eyes, the depths of his pupils were like countless falling stars, bright and all-encompassing.

At this moment, everyone present was silent.

They all secretly blamed themselves, whether they were too noisy and woke up this cute little cub.

Little Taotie blinked, and the hearts of everyone present also trembled, almost melting.

Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at the captain of the seventh team with big eyes.

Captain of Team Seven: "..." Heart!Got hit hard!

Little Taotie witnessed a sea of ​​colorful flowers blooming instantly above the head of the seventh team leader, swaying in the wind and the petals flying.

Little Taotie pursed his small mouth, the small dimple was looming, he couldn't hold it back, he started to laugh, his big eyes were bent into crescent moons, the small dimple was deeply sunken, and his small mouth was curved.

Captain of Team Seven: "..." So cute!

Little Taotie looked at Hua Jinyan, at this moment Hua Jinyan let go of his "dog head".

Great White Wolf: "..." Have you given up on me?
Hua Jinyan looked at the big white wolf with plaintive and accusing eyes, and lightly shifted his gaze. The big white wolf followed his gaze and raised his eyes, and met the little Taotie's crooked eyes.

The Great White Wolf instantly understood.

It felt that it was probably saved!
It deeply remembered the strength of this little human cub, and it smashed the robot that scared it and its companions into scrap iron, and its heroic posture was deeply imprinted in its mind.

All animals have a strong admiration mentality, and at this moment it is full of admiration for the little Taotie.

The worship in his heart became more and more intense, causing it to prostrate itself on the ground, surrendering in front of the little Taotie.

Little Taotie blinked, wondering why the dog suddenly lay down on the ground with its head down, motionless.

"Dog?" Little Taotie called softly.

(End of this chapter)

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