Chapter 527 The Unpredictable Shen Cang

A huge crystal chandelier hangs at the entrance of the castle, and the crystal reflects colorful light onto the wall, as if pasted with colorful wallpaper.

There is a huge table in the middle. The table top is not made of wood, but is black-blue. It is a whole piece of black-bone chicken jadeite rough, with floating flowers and cotton wool inside, as if the entire night sky is mounted on the table.

There was a sound of pattering footsteps, and a person came down from the stairs.

The visitor's white hair was combed meticulously, and a small braid was tied behind his head. At first glance, he thought he was a dignitary from the Manchu Dynasty.

He has a white and beardless face, with the weathered weather and slight wrinkles left by his age, a pair of deep Ruifeng eyes with upturned eye tails, and the corners of his lips seem to always be slightly raised. The strict tunic suit is daunting.

He wore a white shirt inside a dark Chinese tunic suit, with an eagle head badge pinned to the collar of the shirt, and the eagle's beak shone coldly under the refraction of light.

"Head!" Team Seven's captain, Mo Haihao, and Xiangxiang immediately stood up straight, made a military salute, and shouted in unison.

Shen Cang's pair of Ruifeng eyes are very deep, with a half-smile: "Thanks for your hard work, where is the big team?"

The captain of the seventh team bit the bullet and replied: "We will send the children back first, and they haven't come back yet at the scene."

Shen Cang nodded understandingly, his eyes fell on the two children, and asked: "Are these our two new colleagues?"

Mo Haihao hurriedly introduced: "This is Tao Ti, and this is Hua Jinyan."

"Little Taotie, I've watched your show, Nezha dances very well." Shen Cang touched his pocket, took out two candies from it, and handed one to Little Taotie, "Meeting gift."

Little Taotie looked up at him, blinked his big eyes, lowered his head, rubbed his eyes vigorously, then raised his head again, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

What's on this grandpa's head?
Dimly, as if wearing a hat, covering everything, but obviously not wearing a hat!

The little hand was suddenly held by a big hand, and the little Taotie looked at him suspiciously.

Shen Cang chuckled: "Your hands are full of germs, don't rub your eyes."

He stuffed the sugar into the little Taotie's hand, let go of the little Taotie's hand, and turned to look at Hua Jinyan.

Hua Jinyan looked at him calmly, showing a youthful maturity that does not match his age.

Shen Cang handed over the candy in his hand.

Hua Jinyan took a look at Little Taotie, she had already opened the candy and ate it.

Hua Jinyan reached out to take the candy, but didn't eat it, but put it in his pocket, thinking that he would give it to Xiao Taotie later.

The captain of the seventh team rubbed his hands together, and said with a shy face, "The children are frightened, can I open your refrigerator and cook something delicious to calm them down?"

Shen Cang raised his brows slightly and nodded.

After getting the consent, the captain of the seventh team rushed upstairs like a wind, fearing that he would regret it in the next second.

Shen Cang's eyes fell on the wolf who had kept his head down since he came in, not daring to raise his head.

The big white wolf felt the eyes falling on him, if there was any substance, it made him involuntarily afraid, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Little Taotie hugged the big white wolf's neck, and rubbed it affectionately: "Dog dog, why are you shaking?"

The great white wolf lay down on the ground, as if submitting to the owner of that line of sight.

The little Taotie took advantage of the situation and lay on the back of the big white wolf, and said in a childish voice, "Dog dog, there will be delicious food later!"

Shen Cang took two steps forward, his shadow enveloped a man and a wolf.

The great white wolf trembled even more.

Little Taotie raised his head and smiled sweetly: "Grandpa, are you hungry too?"

Shen Cang's originally serious face softened slightly, and he corrected: "You should be like them, calling me—the head."

(End of this chapter)

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