Chapter 528 It Can't Live
Little Taotie blinked and changed his words softly: "Head~"

The little milk's voice was sweet, Shen Cang's fingers subconsciously stroked it, and his eyes fell on the little baby's soft face.

"It's not a dog, it's a wolf." Shen Cang corrected.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at "dog dog", then looked up at Shen Cang, his big eyes were full of blankness: "But its fur is soft, it can wag its tail, and it can bark..."

Shen Cang's scrutinizing eyes fell on the big white wolf, and his voice was a little bit lower: "So you like pretending to be a dog? You've already opened up your mind, and that's all."

The big white wolf's body trembled, and there was a sound like a whimper begging for mercy from his throat.

Little Taotie touched the "dog's head" and gently comforted: "Dog is not afraid, not afraid, I will protect you!"

The little man got up from the ground, stood upright, with his hands on his hips, small but imposing.

"Grandpa, don't bully the dog! You are not allowed to bully it!"

Mo Haihao covered his eyes and dared not look: "It's over, it's over, why did she call back?"

Xiangxiang was worried: "Head, you won't hit her?"

Mo Haihao: "If you fight, you can't fight... Lessons will definitely be taught!"

Most of the people in the special department have special abilities, and a small part of them are outstanding in a certain aspect, so they will be absorbed into the special department.

Most of these supernatural beings and those with top skills are rebellious, and they will inevitably become thorns. Anyway, it is impossible to be very obedient at the beginning. After all, Tou looks like a handsome old man with strict attire, fashionable hairstyle, and good looks.

If the thorns are not satisfied, they will be provocative or disobedient.

But in the end... who didn't obey the post, and obediently called "head" when they saw the head?
Shen Cang lowered his head, looked at the little guy with fierce breasts, raised his eyebrows slightly: "What are you calling me?"

Mo Haihao yelled in his heart: No, here it comes, the head starts questioning!Ready to pack the new arrivals!
Little Taotie tilted his head, and said in a childish voice, "I forgot, I want to call your head."

Shen Cang nodded.

Little Taotie's voice sounded: "Grandpa's head!"

Mo Haihao: "..." What the hell is Grandpa's head?

Xiangxiang: "..." Baby, you're pulling a tiger's whiskers!

Hua Jinyan sensed that the atmosphere was not right, stepped forward, stood in front of Xiao Taotie, raised his head and looked at Shen Cang with deep eyes.

Mo Haihao: "..." What does this kid mean? This look is looking for death!

Xiangxiang: "..." Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

Little Taotie was dissatisfied with being completely covered, and secretly swore in his heart that he would drink more milk, grow taller, and be taller than Hua Jinyan!
She poked her head out from behind Hua Jinyan, her soft face and cheeks puffed up, as if she was sulking.

Shen Cang's fingers rubbed subconsciously again.

He had never dealt with such a young child before, and he subconsciously wanted to control his subordinates like before, but he sighed inwardly when he saw the bright, innocent big eyes of the little Taotie.

"Remove the word grandpa, I'm not that old."

Little Taotie looked at Shen Cang's hair, pouted his mouth, and muttered: "But your hair is whiter than my two grandpas!"

Shen Cang: "..."

Shen Cang chose to skip this topic directly, and his eyes fell on the big white wolf again, "He devoured the spirit body and opened up his spiritual wisdom."

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.

Shen Cang was silent for a long time, deliberating whether to say too cruel words in front of the child.

In the end, he chose to speak out, after all, they had joined the special department.

"It cannot live."

(End of this chapter)

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