Chapter 539 The National Audience Has Seen It
Just as netizens frantically took screenshots of Xiao Xianrou and Xiao Taotie in the same frame, the screen in the video switched.

In the screen, there was the sound of eager footsteps of "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump".

Little Taotie rushed down from the stairs, his little face was flushed, there were marks from sleeping on his cheeks, there was dried saliva on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were foggy after he just woke up.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes vigorously, the hair on top of her head was a mess.

The little one looks so cute.

"Are you awake?" a gentle voice said.

Little Taotie looked up, and the camera turned to the table, where two men were sitting, without patting their faces.

When netizens were curious about who these two were, they heard Xiao Taotie shout softly: "Big brother! Second brother! Good morning!"

【I haven't seen Little Taotie's second brother yet! 】

[Brother has seen the face in the show, now I want to see the face of the second brother Xiao Taotie! 】

[Move the camera up a little bit! 】

[Don't be so stingy, show us the handsome man! 】

[Hahaha, this voice sounds good, he should be a handsome guy! 】

The wishes of the majority of netizens were not satisfied, and the camera returned to Xiao Taotie, giving him a close-up.

At this moment, Little Taotie was completely awake, his misty eyes seemed to have been washed with water, the pupils were exceptionally clear and beautiful, and there was a dark blue light in the bottom of his eyes, a little bit of starlight shining.

"Come to have breakfast?" the second brother asked.

Little Taotie shook his head, his eyes were firm and his face was serious: "I can't eat it."

"Why?" The second brother was surprised.

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up: "I haven't practiced yet."

Little Taotie looked at the delicacies on the table, and the camera focused on her small mouth.

Huge close-up!

Everyone clearly saw that the little girl moved her rosy mouth, she seemed to be drooling too much, and there was a suspicious crystal at the corner of her mouth...

Little Taotie closed his eyes and turned his head, not looking at the food on the table.

"Cuckoo!" His stomach growled in protest.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to pat his belly, with a serious face, like a fierce little teacher teaching a disobedient child, "Be obedient, wait until you finish practicing, and then eat. If you keep barking and disobedient, I won't eat it for you." !"

[No, I'm going to die laughing!Is this educating herself? 】

[She abused her stomach, how hard is it to think about it? 】

[Want to practice?What kind of work do you practice? 】

[Upstairs, I can see that you haven't watched the "Pastoral Life" program recently. 】

【How to say? 】

[Little Taotie bravely guarded the mouse and saved Gu Dingliu, you don't know about it? 】

[Go and have a look, it's still on the hot search! 】

Netizens who didn't know the details immediately searched online, and sure enough, the names of Xiao Taotie and Gu Dingliu appeared on the hot search.

A hot search station at the top:

shock!Gu Ding escaped from the mouth of a mouse, the little Taotie is stronger than the cat!hot~
[I died laughing, the mouse escaped! 】

[Little Taotie is better than a cat?Hahaha, let Xiao Taotie give everyone a "meow"! 】

[I clicked in to see it!That's awesome! 】

Click on the trending search to see the picture, Gu Dingliu was almost bitten on the face by a mouse, Xiao Taotie, holding an enamel basin, rescued Gu Dingliu at a critical moment, the little man covered the mouse neatly, Fast, hard, accurate!

[There is a mouse in my house, I beg the authorities to send me a mouse-catching kitten named Xiao Taotie! 】

[Hahaha, I decided to raise a kitten, named Xiao Taotie! 】

[Upstairs, if you do this, you will lose Zai Zai, and Zai Zai's name cannot be used indiscriminately! 】

[I also watched this "Pastoral Life" program, and Xiao Taotie went out to fight early in the morning! 】

Sure enough, in the short video, Little Taotie suppressed his greed, came to the yard, and with a stride, "Ha!" He punched out with a small fist.

[It really looks like that! 】

[The horse gait is very steady, like someone who knows kung fu! 】

[Little Taotie's face is so serious, so serious! 】

[I was so cute by that "ha"!So cute! 】

[Has anyone noticed that she is really exerting force with each punch, I vaguely heard the sound of strong wind caused by the fists being swung out. 】

[Is it dubbing?It's unlikely that there will be a strong wind, right? 】

[Is there a number of punches? 】

[I counted, and she received it, a total of one hundred punches! 】

[I was shocked, I just watched Xiao Taotie swing his fist a hundred times, watching with relish. 】

【Me too! 】

Little Taotie finished punching, washed up, put on a beautiful little dress, and went downstairs "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump".

[I guess she is already hungry and crazy! 】

[I can already imagine that what follows is the scene of raging wind and raging clouds, gobbling voraciously! 】

Surprisingly, the little Taotie first ate a bowl of millet porridge slowly, and then ate a hard-boiled egg. The eating speed seemed neither fast nor slow, but the food on the table disappeared—so fast!
[It seems to be eating very slowly, but why does the food disappear so quickly? 】

[I found that she is really trying to be a lady and eat elegantly! 】

【She takes a bite and puts it in her mouth and starts chewing without showing her teeth or opening her mouth. She doesn't take a second bite until the food in her mouth is swallowed. 】

【In this way, there will be no unpleasant chirping sounds, and it looks very gentle. Even if you eat very quickly, you won't feel like you're gobbling. 】

The picture of the short video fast forwards rapidly, the sun and the moon alternate, every morning the picture is always the little Taotie punching, this time the boxing is fast forwarded, but some netizens still counted.

[One hundred punches each time! 】

[Whether it rains or not, she never slacks off! 】

[Even if she got up late and was very hungry, she insisted on punching a hundred punches! 】

[When I was watching a variety show, I thought it was just a character design, just talking about it, but I didn't expect the real situation is that Xiao Taotie is doing the same at home, practicing boxing every day! 】


[Zai Zai is too good! 】

As soon as the video screen changed, Little Taotie opened his curious eyes full of hope, looking pitifully at a cup.

In a white porcelain cup, there is white foam on the coffee, and the foam is sprinkled with cocoa powder in a cartoon of a kitten.

Little Taotie swallowed, "Just take a sip..."

The soft and cute little cub begs pitifully for a bite, who can bear to refuse?

Netizens got excited:
【Give her a drink! 】

[Give it to Zai Zai to drink! 】

[Hurry up and give Xiao Zai Zai a drink! 】

Some netizens reacted:

[Upstairs, are you serious?Zai Zai is only six years old, can't drink coffee? 】

[Caffeine is not good for children. 】

[Yes, Zai Zai can't drink! 】

[Coffee smells good, but it may not be good to drink, and children will definitely not like it. 】

[How can such a bitter thing be given to a child, don't give it to her! 】

Little Taotie acted coquettishly and cutely, and looked at the second brother pitifully.

Finally, everyone heard the second brother's voice: "OK."

【It's over! 】

[I have a hunch! 】

[I also have a bad feeling! 】

"Wow!" Little Taotie cried.

【Cried? 】

[Why... do I want to laugh? 】

[Upstairs, are you lacking morality?Hahaha……】

[Before you say that others are wicked, please stop your laughter!Hahaha……】



The message area was filled with crazy laughter.

Screenshots of Xiao Taotie crying bitterly were frantically uploaded on the Internet, and people who cared about him immediately made various emoticons.

The short video ended, accompanied by the cry of Little Taotie.

In the nanny's car, Little Taotie's little face was stiff and stiff and gradually turned into a bitter melon. She raised her bitter little face, her big pupils were full of doubts about the world: "The one in this video is not me, right? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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