Chapter 540 Zai Zai Has No Face To See People

In the old castle, the team members who finished the finishing work came back, some sat on the sofa to rest, and some drank tea around the table.

One person asked: "That fluffy little colleague is a starlet, right?"

"Yes, he's a starlet, and he's quite famous!"

"I paid attention to her D sound."

"Come on, watch her short video."

"I remember she didn't seem to post a short video, did she?"

Everyone surrounded the round-faced girl. The round-faced girl clicked on the D sound on the tablet, and clicked on Xiao Taotie's profile picture, which was the seal profile of a small white beast.

"There is a work!"

"It was just uploaded today!"

"Come in quickly!"

"Don't rush, don't rush, I'll order now!" The round-faced girl clicked on the video.

Zoom in on the video!

More and more people gathered around...

"Wow!" cried the cry.

"Pfft~" One person couldn't hold back, covered his mouth and laughed out loud: "Haha..."

It's like turning on the switch of laughter, "噗~" "噗~" "噗~" one after another...


There was bursts of laughter, and more and more people joined in.

Shen Cang came out of the interrogation room, heard the commotion downstairs, and walked downstairs with a sullen face.

Usually as long as he appears, everyone will be serious.

But today, someone raised his eyes and saw him with a distorted expression. He wanted to hold back his laughter, but he continued to laugh in the end.

Shen Cang looked around, and even the few subordinates who were usually quite serious were laughing at the moment.

Shen Cang frowned slightly, and walked towards the source of the loudest laughter.

I saw them surrounded by a female colleague, and the tablet computer in the female colleague's hand was playing back a short video infinitely.

Shen Cang's eyes fell on the short video.

At this moment, the short video shows the scene where Little Taotie eats strawberries, but wants to renege on the kitten.

He saw a familiar person - Tao Shen.

A few days ago, he went to a secret meeting.

At that time, an old friend was sitting next to him, and he strongly recommended a young man. It was the boy in the picture who smiled softly and had doting eyes on Xiao Taotie.

In the video, the scene of Xiao Taotie begging for coffee is played.

Shen Cang frowned.

Coffee is bad for kids.

He disapproves of coffee, which, while refreshing, is bad for the heart and stomach.

"Wow!" The child burst into tears.

Crying with tears all over his face, his small mouth was still saying, "Bah bah bah, it's so bitter... bitter... woo woo woo..."

The video ends with the cry of the child, and then plays again.

The always rigid Shen Cang raised the corners of his mouth little by little.


Little Taotie turned off his cell phone in despair, and slumped in the car seat, "...I'm ashamed to see anyone."

She remembered that her classmates told her that their mothers were all her mother fans, and they all paid attention to her D number!

Little Taotie panicked and covered his eyes with his small hands, not daring to imagine how his classmates would look at him when he arrived at school tomorrow.

They must be laughing at themselves!

It was too ugly to cry, with tears and snot all over his face, and he was still spitting in there, looking too ugly!
"...I don't want to go to school tomorrow!" Little Taotie covered his face with his hands, his voice muffled and full of resentment.

Cheng Guodong suppressed a smile and pretended not to hear.

Hua Jinyan finished watching the short video on his phone, took off the Bluetooth headset, and looked sympathetically at the little Taotie who was covering his face.

"Then I'll bring your homework to school and ask for leave for you."

Little Taotie suddenly lowered her two hands covering her small face, her eyes widened, she slowly turned her head to look at Hua Jinyan, her voice quivered, "Is there any homework?"

(End of this chapter)

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