The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 541 The Weekly Diary of Zai Zai Xiang Diary

Chapter 541 The Weekly Diary of Zai Zai Xiang Diary
Facing Little Taotie's shocked eyes, Hua Jinyan asked slowly, "You, you haven't done your homework, have you?"

Little Taotie's memory came back to life little by little.

Thinking about it, the teacher assigned homework, and she thought she would finish it on Friday.


On Friday night, all the other homework was done and checked by the second brother. There was a weekly diary, which she hadn't written yet!

When the second brother asked her why she didn't write, she replied confidently: "The week is not over yet!"

At that time, the second brother looked at him with a smile, but didn't say anything.

Looking back now, the second brother's smile... means a lot!

In the dead of night, the moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and the stars were sparse and scattered.

Little Taotie was lying on the desk, looking at the homework book he was scribbling and drawing, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, the little man closed the book, climbed onto the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

After a while, Cheng Guodong entered the room, looked at the lamp on the table, and at the little man who had kicked off the quilt on the bed and was lying on his back, and smiled slightly.

He covered Xiao Taotie with a quilt, and when he was about to turn off the light, he saw the book on the table, hesitated, and opened it anyway.

Enter the head, the word dog crawls.

Cheng Guodong: "..." It seems that I am going to enroll my sister in a calligraphy class.

——Today is Monday, my first day of school, and I am very nervous, afraid that people will not like me.Hee hee, it turns out that everyone likes me very much!
Draw a big smiley face.

——Tuesday today, I came to school full of food and found that (a table with a big belly was drawn here) was full of delicious food, which was given to me by my classmates!Hee hee, everyone still likes me today!

Draw a bigger smiley face.

——Today is Wednesday, when I was in class today, my stomach was disobedient and it screamed indiscriminately.After class, the teacher told me to go to the office, I was so scared.After going to the office, the teacher gave me a big meat bun!Hee hee, everyone still likes me today!

Draw a big smiley face with a blushing face.

——Today is Thursday, in today's art class, I thought the paint was so beautiful, I couldn't resist dipping a little with my finger, and wanted to taste it, but was stopped by the teacher.After class, the teacher gave me a pack of colorful fruit candies.Hee hee, everyone still likes me today!

Draw a big colorful smiling face.

——Today is Friday, the teacher asked us to think about what we like, next Monday we will enroll in interest classes, I don’t know, I can’t think of it.I distributed the strawberry cakes to my classmates, the teacher who gave me big meat buns, and the teacher who gave me fruit candies.Hee hee, everyone still likes me today!

Draw a big smiling face with a strawberry on top of it.

——Today is Saturday, after a day of class, I am very tired.

Draw a crying face.

— Today is Saturday, my first day at work.Sister Xiangxiang is so beautiful and smells good.I had a lot of fun with Dahei, I like Dahei a lot. (Here is a dark thing that looks like a dog but not like a dog.)
——The captain took me to the haunted house. There were many Apiao and many bats in the haunted house. I couldn’t remember them clearly. I seemed to be too tired and fell asleep.

——The captain took me to the old castle, ate a lot of steaks, and I got a lot of chocolates, by the way, I even got an extra pet!The big white dog is so good!I now have clownfish, kittens, dogs, lots of pets!I'm an excellent little beast!

Here, the seal of the little white beast is printed.

——To sum up, this week, I am still everyone's favorite little glutton.wrong!I remembered, my video was uploaded to the D tone, and I was ashamed to see anyone!
Here, a big crying face is drawn, very big, almost half a sheet of paper.

——I am ashamed to see people.

(End of this chapter)

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