Chapter 546
Hua Jinyan took advantage of her reading the message below the post, turned on a mobile phone, and clicked on another post, which was a post that reposted a short video.

"Look at this again."

Hearing this, Xiao Taotie put down the tablet and took the phone.

Message area:
[Hahaha, Zai Zai came downstairs with a disheveled face, punching despite being hungry, serious and cute! 】

【Holding up a knife and fork, everything needs to be sliced ​​and cut. The fork looks like a troublemaker!So cute! 】

[Zai Zai looks like everything can be used with a knife and fork, it makes me laugh so hard! 】

[This is the persistence of human cubs! 】

[Practicing boxing is also extremely persistent, and the small mouth is pursed into a straight line, so serious! 】

[The appearance of stealing strawberries is like a kitten stealing strawberries! 】

[Has anyone noticed the cutie at her feet! 】

[I zoomed in, it's the little lion, her little pet! 】

[Yes, yes, when I watched her live broadcast, she introduced to us that her kitten is named Little Lion, and she will be very persistent in putting it in a lion costume every day, treating it like a lion! 】

[This is too funny, referring to a deer as a horse, she refers to a cat as a lion! 】

【Look, the little cat is taking off its lion costume! 】

[Please pay attention here, little Taotie's little hand! 】

In the video, Xiao Taotie puts a strawberry into his mouth with one small hand and eats it deliciously, while holding the kitten's paw with the other hand to prevent it from kicking off its lion costume.

[I'm going to die laughing!She also tries to coax the kittens with strawberries! 】

"Little lion, be good, don't take off your clothes indiscriminately, I'll give you strawberries!"

"Meow meow meow!"

"You agreed?"

"Meow meow meow!"

"Okay, I will take it as your promise!"

[Which sentence agreed?The little cat is obviously meowing in resistance! 】

【Yeah, I can hear the kitten getting angry! 】

[Laughing to death, please pay attention to her actions! 】

Little Taotie picked up a strawberry, then... took a bite of the tip of the strawberry, nodded in satisfaction, and handed the strawberry butt to the little cat: "Little lion, I tasted it for you, it's very sweet, you can eat it at ease Bar."

[Hahaha, I can't stop laughing, I ate the most delicious strawberry tip, and said seriously that I was tasting it for the kitty! 】

[Zai Zai, you also have this side!That's too bad!What should I do, the worse you are, the more my mother likes you~~~I love you! 】

[Yes, yes, the worse the baby is, the more the mother loves it! 】

[Candy is only available when you cry and make trouble. I used to think that Xiao Taotie was too obedient, and her obedience was too unreal. Now it is different. After watching this video, I think she is more real and cuter! 】

[Yes, yes, I agree!The little glutton in the past was like a little angel, and he looked pretty when he smiled, but it seemed so far away! 】

【She fell into the world like an angel now, and turned into a Halloween trick-or-treater, the trick-or-treating kind!Hahaha! 】

[Little Taotie, no matter what you look like, mom loves you! 】

【right!No matter what you look like, Daddy loves you! 】

[There is actually a man upstairs? 】

【How about it?Can't men be dads?I am Xiao Taotie's super daddy fan! 】

[I, who is new to the pit, said that I am also a man. 】

[I am also a man. I am a recently bald code farmer. In fact, I have one thing hidden in my heart. 】

【What's up? 】

[Speaking halfway, there will be thunder and bangs! 】

[Yes, come out and speak quickly! 】

[Ahem, I was a little busy just now, I answered a call, sorry. 】

[Quickly tell me, what's on your mind! 】

【It’s like this. One day, I saw a little girl carrying a disabled little boy on the bus. 】

[Too much information!Little Taotie carrying a disabled little boy? 】

[Is it before she became famous, or after she became famous? 】

[After becoming famous, the No. 3 video was already popular. 】

[Impossible, she is already in and out of the nanny's car. 】

[The entertainment industry is divided into grades. Although Xiao Taotie can't be counted as a first-tier or second-tier now, he can also be counted as a third-tier or fourth-tier. It's impossible to squeeze the bus, right? 】

Little Taotie saw this message and suddenly remembered something.

"Hmph! He lied!"

Hua Jinyan was looking for other posts on his tablet, and asked suspiciously, "Who lied to you?"

"Xiao Xian! He still owes me 132 yuan for taxi fare! He promised to pay it back to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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