Chapter 547 Hua Jinyan is weird
Hearing the little Taotie call out the word "Xiao Xian", Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes, his eyes darkened, and he thought of the boy whose legs were injured.

"No, I want to ask him to get the money back!"


"W letter wants!"

Hua Jinyan squinted his eyes and asked, "Did you add his W letter?"

Little Taotie nodded, looked for the phone, and complained: "I remembered, the phone is left at home, and you can't bring your phone to school."

Hua Jinyan pointed to his mobile phone: "Do you remember the account number and password?"

Little Taotie nodded.

"Then log in with my phone."

"Okay." Little Taotie nodded.

Hua Jinyan glanced at her while she was logging in, and asked, "Have you been in touch for a long time?"

"Isn't the little puppet raised by him? He will send me some short videos of the little puppet." Little Taotie laughed: "It's so cute, it's recovered now, you can wear whatever you give it, Unlike the little lion, heh, he is not good at all, he always takes off the lion's clothes and bites!"

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes and asked calmly, "Do you send you videos of the puppet every day?"

"Yes, he said that I saved the little puppet, and he must let me see if it is doing well every day."

"Oh, so, he really has a heart."

Little Taotie smiled and said, "You can log in, I'm on it!"

Xiao Taotie clicked on Xiao Xian's profile picture, and pressed the voice button: "Bad boy Xiao Xian, you are a big liar, you agreed to pay me back the taxi fare!"

"Ah? I forgot, how much is it?" The other party quickly sent a voice, the voice was full of sleepiness, as if he had just woken up.

"132 yuan!" Little Taotie snorted.

A red envelope is sent.

Little Taotie couldn't wait to open it and found that it was 1320!

ten times!
Little Taotie hesitated: "It's too much, I'll give it back to you."

"It's the apology I forgot. If you don't accept it, I will feel very sorry."

Little Taotie said in a childish voice, "Have you received the beautiful clothes I sent to the little puppet?"

Hua Jinyan on the side pricked up his ears and frowned.

"Did you send him something? Do you know the address?"

"I know, he also sent delicious cat snacks to the little lion."

"Oh, that's it." Hua Jinyan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Little Taotie looked at Hua Jinyan suspiciously, thinking he was weird, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

The voice of the other party was sent, Xiao Taotie clicked on it, "I have received it, it is very beautiful, the little puppet likes it very much, I put it on and took a short video and sent it to you."

"Okay, okay!" Little Taotie's voice was full of joy.

Soon, a short video was sent.

Little Taotie clicked on it to see that the little puppet in the picture was cute and cute, with big round eyes, blue and pure, and a small pink nose, wearing a small pink skirt, tilting its head to look at the camera.

"Wow! So cute and beautiful!"

"I'll take some more pictures for you to see."

"No, I'm going to class soon, I'll video chat when I get home!"

"Okay, I won't disturb your class."

Hua Jinyan frowned even tighter, and asked aloud, "Are you still video chatting?"

"Look at the little puppet in the video! It will say goodbye to me! It's so cute!"

"oh, I see."

"Do you want to watch it, let's watch it together tonight?"

"Okay." Hua Jinyan smiled slightly: "I'm looking forward to it."

He handed the tablet in his hand to Xiao Taotie, "Look at this post."

Soon, Little Taotie forgot about Xiao Xian and Little Muppet, and was immersed in the message area.

The message area is full of praises for her, her eyes are excited, her little face is flushed, she is full of disbelief: "How could this happen? Everyone seems to like me more!"

(End of this chapter)

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