Chapter 555 He Wears a Grimace Mask
Little Taotie rubbed his small fists excitedly, raised his bright eyes, there was no fear in them, only eagerness to try.

"It's all chocolate!"

Little Taotie rushed into the hospital with one stride.

Mo Haihao raised his forehead, but couldn't stop him, so he could only follow in silently.

The spirit body hiding behind the door screamed, and there were shrill screams from all the large and small wards inside.

Wherever the little Taotie's little fist goes, it is always in harm's way.

Chocolates filled her pockets, and her cheeks were full, like a little hamster, she walked out slowly to meet Mo Haihao.

She touched her pocket with a satisfied face, "Eat them all!"

Mo Haihao wiped off his unwarranted sweat: "I forgot to tell you, I'll keep you alive."

Little Taotie's movement of stuffing chocolate into his mouth froze, and he blinked, his eyes full of innocence.

At the door, a little Apiao trembled, "I...I'm not dead yet!"

Mo Haihao and Xiao Taotie turned their heads to look at the same time.

Facing Xiao Taotie's gaze, little Apiao trembled and ran away: "Don't eat me, don't eat me, I haven't hurt anyone..."

Little Taotie shook his head: "I won't eat yours, you are not an evil spirit."

Mo Haihao held a talisman between his fingers, and threw it out forcefully, hitting the forehead of little Ah Piao.

Little Ah Piao couldn't move, his eyes were full of panic.

Mo Haihao approached: "Don't be afraid, I just ask you a few questions."

"You ask, you ask, I will answer honestly, don't eat me..."

"What about the people who came here to explore?"

"Being teased by the evil spirits here, they killed each other!"

"Why did the evil spirits tease them?"

Little Ah Piao's eyes flickered: "They are evil spirits, there is no reason..."

"Little glutton." Mo Haihao looked at little Apiao expressionlessly, and said, "He wants to be eaten even if he doesn't tell the truth."

Little Taotie blinked, and made an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" movement towards little Ah Piao.

"Ah!" Xiao Ah Piao screamed: "I say! I say everything! Don't eat me! Don't come here!"

Little Taotie covered his mouth and giggled.

Mo Haihao looked at Xiao Apiao coldly: "Tell me, why do those evil spirits kill people?"

Xiao Ah Piao cried: "Some people came to the abandoned hospital to explore before, and those evil spirits were just idle and bored to frighten them. They had no grievances or enmity, and never thought of killing people. But more and more people came to explore later. It's so annoying, those evil spirits discussed to make a big one, completely frightening them."

"Who knows, this time there is a master of metaphysics who actually used a compass to trap several evil spirits. Everyone thought it was over, but the master of metaphysics ordered the evil spirits to create an evil spirit domain, and put the evil spirits in the abandoned hospital to death. Kill everyone!"

"The evil spirits are afraid of this master of metaphysics, and will be wiped out in an instant. They can only choose to obey his orders and enshroud all the explorers present in the evil spirit domain."

Mo Haihao frowned and interrupted: "There is no ghost king among them, how can they use the evil spirit domain?"

Little Ah Piao replied honestly: "Although there is no ghost king, all the evil spirits here died here. This is their territory."

I understand, one reason is that there are too many evil spirits, and the other reason is that they both died here, gathering powerful Yin Qi.

It seems that the domain of evil spirits is actually a little bit worse, but it can also be called the domain of evil spirits. Compared with the ghost king's display, it is naturally not comparable.

"It seems that this is not a simple supernatural event, but man-made." Mo Haihao narrowed his eyes: "Do you still remember what that master of metaphysics looked like?"

Xiao Ah Piao shook his head: "He is wearing a grimace mask."

(End of this chapter)

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