Chapter 556
A piece of information was sent to Shen Cang, which was the file of the art teacher.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Head, according to the latest news, the art teacher died in a car accident."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Cang frowned.

Everything was too coincidental, as soon as the investigation started here, the people there had already died.

It is not difficult to make people suspect that this is the golden cicada escaping its shell.

The phone rang again, this time it was Mo Haihao.

"Boss, the case here is a bit strange, I suspect it's a trap—dududu..."

"Three! Mo Haihao!" Shen Cang stood up abruptly.

Shen Cang let his hair loose, and one hair fell to the ground. He closed his eyes and sat back on the chair like a stone sculpture.

Hua Jinyan stepped forward anxiously, reaching out his hand to push Shen Cang, but his hand was bounced away by the invisible barrier.

Hua Jinyan took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Taotie's mobile phone, but he couldn't get through, and then he couldn't get through to Mo Haihao's.

On the other side, Mo Haihao took down the phone with a solemn expression: "The signal has been interrupted."

Little Taotie looked at the little Ah Piao who was stuck with a talisman on his forehead, and put two pieces of chocolate into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge.

Mo Haihao looked at the carefree little glutton eating chocolate, and sighed: "Ignorance is bliss."

Little Taotie asked vaguely, "What happened?"

Mo Haihao hesitated whether to tell her the matter.

He heard little Ah Piao scream: "Here we come! The terrifying master of metaphysics is here!"

Following Little Ah Piao's gaze, Little Taotie and Mo Haihao looked towards the hospital entrance.

A man wearing a ghost mask, wearing a black cloak, and holding a compass walked slowly.

Little Taotie pointed at the ghost mask, "It's my mask!"

This mask is exactly the same as the mask Xiao Taotie bought in the haunted house, but the mask fell into the underground wooden house later.

The ghost-faced man made a strange voice that looked like a man, a woman, an old man, or a child: "Interesting child, how about going to an interesting place with me?"

Mo Haihao recognized that this voice was exactly the same as the voice from the big curtain that appeared in the haunted house after Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan were taken away!
This time, he will never let this guy take away Little Taotie silently!

Mo Haihao stood in front of the little Taotie, and took out a stack of talismans from his bag.

The ghost-faced man glanced at it disdainfully, and blew on the compass.

The talisman in Mo Haihao's hand ignited spontaneously!

Mo Haihao's hand was burned, he pressed the wound, and stared at the ghost-masked man vigilantly.

"Xiaodao." The ghost-masked man sneered.

When masters fight, one move can determine the outcome.

Mo Haihao already knew in his heart that he was not his opponent, and the most important thing right now was to leave here with Xiao Taotie.

Mo Haihao took out a glass bottle from his bag, and there was a white hair in the bottle.The head was handed over to him privately after the mission almost went wrong last week.

The ghost-faced man's pupils shrank.

The moment Mo Haihao opened the bottle cap, the ghost-masked man turned around and ran away, disappearing instantly.

When the bottle cap was opened, the white hair floated out and turned into a person.

"Grandpa's head?" Little Taotie paused while eating chocolate, her eyes widened in disbelief, she looked at the person who appeared suddenly, and then looked down at his feet.

Little Taotie suddenly covered his eyes sadly: "Grandpa, why did you die? You became A Piao!"

"Don't be sad, the head is not dead." Mo Haihao shook his head funny, and touched the little Taotie's head, it was so soft, it felt so good!
Little Taotie parted his fingers, revealing a pair of watery and misty eyes, looked up and down at Shen Cang, and whispered: "He is floating, isn't he A Piao?"

(End of this chapter)

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