Chapter 589 The Singing Lollipop

Xiangxiang was still driving, Xiao Taotie sat in the passenger seat and ate a lollipop, Hua Jinyan sat in the back parking space and closed his eyes to rest his mind, Mo Haihao and Jiang Si also sat in the back parking space.

The two of them rushed back last night and didn't want to drive tired, so they could only trouble the lady.

Jiang Si closed his eyes and drooped the corners of his mouth.

"What are you doing like a bitter melon?" Mo Haihao pushed him.

Jiang Si growled: "I'm sleeping, don't disturb me!"

"Hey!" Mo Haihao pushed him again, "I'm going to quarrel with you, what will you do to me?"

Jiang Si opened his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

Mo Haihao smiled cheaply: "It's such a big deal, don't overthink it."

Jiang Si gritted his teeth angrily, "Don't mess with me!"

"I'm your superior now." Mo Haihao smiled even more meanly, "Little Sisi, didn't you say yesterday that it was a pleasure to cooperate with me in handling the case? In the future, I'm afraid it will be a long time, and you will be able to cooperate with me." Handling the case together, are you happy?"

"Bah!" Jiang Si gave him a sip, turned away, and looked out the window.

Mo Haihao babbled a few more mean words, but Jiang Si didn't bother him anymore.

Xiangxiang was helpless: "Captain, restrain yourself, the vice-captain is miserable enough, stop bullying him."

Mo Haihao raised his eyebrows: "Don't bully him? Are you bullying you? By the way, have you paid your salary? When will you pay back the money you owe me?"

Xiangxiang: "When driving, don't chat with me, it will affect my driving, I must drive seriously!"

"Cut!" Mo Haihao didn't continue to ask for money.

The lollipop in Xiao Taotie's mouth was singing, and she was completely immersed in the joy of the singing lollipop.

The principle of singing lollipop is the use of bone conduction.

Bite the lollipop with your teeth, and the lollipop will conduct sound through bone conduction to the auditory nerve, producing sound effects.Only those who eat can enjoy the joy of music, take out the lollipop, and the sound will disappear.


The car stopped, and Jiang Si's eyes fixed on the direction of the restaurant.

It is the peak time for dinner, and there are many guests in the restaurant.

There was an explosion tragedy here, and it was not concealed, but there are still so many guests, which shows how prosperous the formation has changed the feng shui here.

"The food here is delicious!" Xiao Taotie's eyes sparkled: "I like salt and pepper steak the most!"

"I also want to taste how amazing the cooking skills are in exchange for killing father and brother!" Jiang Siyin said solemnly.

Little Taotie turned his head to look at the gloomy Jiang Si, his face became tangled.

Mo Haihao pushed Jiang Si: "Adjust your emotions well, you scared her!"

Jiang Si was annoyed, and just as he was about to apologize, he saw a white and tender hand reaching out, holding a lollipop in his hand.

Jiang Si was surprised, and looked at the little Taotie's eyes full of reluctance, and the little Taotie said in a childish voice, "Vice captain, I'll give you something to eat, don't be unhappy!"

Jiang Si stretched out his hand to take it, feeling a burst of warmth in his heart.

"Thank you, little glutton."

Jiang Si put the lollipop into his mouth, and was surprised to find that the lollipop could sing.

Although he is already an adult, he was still amused by this little trick.

"This design is quite interesting." Jiang Si's mood became better because of the intake of sugar and music.

Mo Haihao gave the little Taotie a thumbs up: "It's still the little Taotie who has the ability."

Little Taotie was entangled, and whispered: "The last lollipop."

Hua Jinyan stood beside her and whispered in her ear: "I still have a box, I'll give you one every day."

Little Taotie pouted: "Only one?"

Hua Jinyan smiled softly: "You can't eat too much, it will damage your teeth."

(End of this chapter)

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