Chapter 590

Thinking of the pictures of bad teeth that the second brother showed her, Xiao Taotie nodded reluctantly: "Okay, one tooth a day, you must not forget to give it to me!"

"It's a deal." Hua Jinyan stretched out his little finger.

Little Taotie stretched out his little finger to hook his little finger and shook it, "...Liar is a puppy!"

"Okay, it's a puppy who deceives people." Hua Jinyan smiled softly, and it seemed that Xiao Taotie could only hold Xiao Taotie in those deep eyes.

Xiangxiang muttered: "I eat too much dog food, I'm a little stuffed."

Mo Haihao glanced at her sideways: "Why are you fighting the dog for food?"

Xiangxiang was angry: "I'm using this as a metaphor!"

Mo Haihao said to himself: "It seems that you are moonlighting again. You are already so poor that you are fighting for food with dogs. It's a little pitiful. I will lend you some money."

Xiangxiang's cell phone was on, and she adjusted the mute.

She looked down at the number in the account, surprised: "[-]? Are you rich?"

Mo Haihao smiled and said, "The case with Xiao Sisi has a high risk index and a generous reward."

Jiang Si on the side looked at the two suspiciously and chose to remain silent.

"Very dangerous?" Xiangxiang approached and asked curiously.

Mo Haihao squinted his eyes and nodded, "High risk comes with high income."

The restaurant was full, and they chatted for a while, and then it was their turn to call the number.

It seemed to be related to table number three, and the vacated table was actually the one for lunch.

The beautiful waiter grabbed a handful of mints and walked over, stuffed them into the hands of the little glutton, and said with a smile, "Are you here again?"

Little Taotie nodded his head.

Xiangxiang was fortunate that Xiao Taotie's assistant knew her well and knew that she was a snack, so she prepared a mouth mask for her.

When eating, take off the outer mask, and the inner one is an open mask, with a hole in the middle that exposes the mouth to eat, but does not reveal the whole face.Otherwise, with so many people here, people might recognize her as a little star Xiao Taotie.

I ordered a table with more dishes than noon, and the dishes were served quickly, with all kinds of flavors and tastes.

Jiang Si also has a big appetite. In the end, only Little Taotie and Jiang Si were still eating. Mo Haihao, Xiangxiang, and Hua Jinyan were already full, and watched quietly as they ate.

Jiang Si is a strong man, he spent too much time completing the task yesterday, and today he is in a depressed mood, so he can only use delicious food to recover his blood.

Seeing that it was rare for someone to eat with him for such a long time, Xiao Taotie was very happy, and even gave Jiang Si some food.

Jiang Si: "..." I'm actually a little full, but the hospitality is hard to give up.

Jiang Siqiang ate the chicken leg given to him by Xiao Taotie, who knew that Xiao Taotie's chopsticks came again, bringing a piece of garlic bone.

Jiang Si: "..." Would it be bad if I refused?

Jiang Si continued to hold on.

Little Taotie kept watching him, seeing that he was almost finished eating, he immediately wanted another dish, and wanted to stay with him for a while.

Jiang Si seemed to have sensed it, quickly threw away the bone, covered the bowl with his hand, and before the little Taotie came over, he shouted: "I'm done eating, you eat slowly."

Little Taotie's movement of picking up vegetables froze, a look of sadness appeared on his face, he turned his chopsticks to his own bowl, and lowered his head to eat silently.

Hua Jinyan frowned slightly, and suddenly picked up the chopsticks, "Fried dough sticks and shrimp look delicious, I'm not full yet, let's eat some more."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, as if the night sky suddenly lit up, the sky was full of bright stars.

"I'll pick it up for you!" Little Taotie picked up a chopstick of fried dough sticks and shrimp and handed it to Hua Jinyan's bowl.

Hua Jinyan smiled softly: "Thank you."

Little Taotie's eyes were curved, his eyelashes curled up, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Her eyes followed Hua Jinyan all the time, and as soon as he finished eating, she immediately gave him a pair of chopsticks.

Finally, all the dishes on the table were emptied, and the little glutton was finished.

She smiled: "I'm done."

Hua Jinyan put down his chopsticks and nodded: "I've finished eating too."

Little Taotie swung his feet, feeling extremely happy.

It had been a long time since anyone had finished eating with her.

(End of this chapter)

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