Chapter 624 Only For Eternal Life
The spirit body is very strange, it has a human head, but the six legs are stitched together.

"Is this the spirit body of a pheasant?" Little Taotie stared at it for a long time, "It doesn't look like it at all!"

Shen Cang stopped the little Taotie from taking things in the oven with his bare hands, the little Taotie put on thick gloves obediently, and then reached out to grab the baking tray in the oven.

The red skin showed a caramel color, and the little Taotie's little paws were eager to try.

Shen Cang: "It's all yours, eat slowly."

While Xiao Taotie was eating "roasted pheasant", Shen Cang began to question the spirit body in the glass bottle.

The spirit body was vague and wanted to hide it.

Shen Cang said lightly, "The little glutton can eat spirit bodies."

The spirit body looked at the little Taotie who was tearing apart and eating the "roasted pheasant" at the moment, and shivered, "I say, I can say anything."

The current appearance of this physical body is just the appearance of losing its supernatural powers.

If it can recover its magical powers, it will be invincible in the world.

The ghost-faced men are members of a certain organization, and they firmly believe in the existence of everything in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Moreover, I want to see the power of the mythical beasts and fierce beasts in Shan Hai Jing.

The people in this organization are all over Blue Star, and they have their minions everywhere.

From an ancient tomb, they found a "pheasant" that had lost its supernatural powers, but the "pheasant" had already cooled down. The only thing that is fortunate is that the body of the "pheasant" was not rotten and intact.

The physical body of the "pheasant" is like a shell, armor, container, etc. This organization has thought of a way, which is to implant another soul body into this physical body. If it succeeds, it will replicate the greatness of ancient civilizations and experience the world-changing world. Supernatural powers.

The flames of the Suzaku and the ever-changing chaos, all these are not fantasy, and they will have the opportunity to see them with their own eyes. This idea makes the people in the organization crazy and excited.

So they tried a lot of methods. At first, an senior member of the organization who was old, whose heart was overloaded, and who would not live long, wanted to use the body of the "pheasant" to make himself immortal.

So he participated in the first experiment and voluntarily implanted his soul into the "pheasant".

But the experiment failed, he died, and his soul was scattered.

Later, the organization discovered that not ordinary people's souls can control the "pheasant", the descendant of the mythical beast and fierce beast.

They did a lot of experiments.

On the surface, it seems that they are cultivating demons, but this is just a cover-up for this organization. In fact, their most important experiment is to bring the descendants of divine beasts and fierce beasts back into the world.

And the real thing behind the "pheasant" experiment is eternal life!
Immortality, a fascinating word.

The First Emperor, who ruled the six kingdoms, has clearly become the emperor of the world and holds a lot of power, but he still has a wish unfulfilled, and that is eternal life.

People know from birth that they will die empty-handed.

Whether it disappears after death, reincarnated, or other possibilities, few people know before death.

The fear of death is magnified infinitely because of the unknown.

The continuous development of medical level, heart transplantation, organ transplantation, all of these are just to live longer. Everyone knows that it is impossible to live forever, but they can live longer.

Organ transplantation is very risky. It is very likely that you will never come out after entering the operating room, and you will die on the operating table. However, many people still take risks just to live longer. What is reflected is the side of people yearning for eternal life.

This organization believes that they just did a similar thing, but transplanted the soul into a body that can live longer, so as to achieve the result of immortality.

Even the "pheasant" has an end to its lifespan, but it is always longer than humans, and everything is just to live a little longer.

What's wrong?
If it's wrong, aren't other transplants also a concept?

(End of this chapter)

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