Chapter 625

With this brainwashing mode of thinking, the organization keeps adding new members, many of whom are biological geniuses, medical geniuses, and elites from all walks of life.

Soul transplantation sounds so ridiculous.

How could so many people be fooled?

Obviously they are elites.

It is precisely because they are elites that their thinking patterns are always incredible. If they are the same as the public, they will only be one of the crowd, and they will not stand out and become an elite.

They believe that in the dynasty hundreds of years ago, if you talked to the people there about saving a life with a heart transplant, you would be regarded as a lunatic.

If it is more serious, it will be regarded as a monster that deceives the public, and it will be caught and burned.

The ancients believed that the body, hair, skin and skin of the parents must leave a whole body after death, lie in a coffin, and be buried in the ground for safety.

If you tell the ancients that your greatest wish is to turn into ashes after death, scatter the ashes in the sea, drift with the current, and return to the sea, you will also be regarded as a different kind, as a lunatic.

But the facts have proved that the ideas and ideas that the ancients thought were unbelievable and regarded as lunatics are now taken for granted.

A girl who was blind in both eyes regained her sight after cornea transplantation.

She was born with a heart disease and had her heart transplanted, and she has since been freed from all the inconveniences caused by the heart disease.

If there is a problem with the liver, half of the liver can be transplanted, and it will soon grow into its own.

In the eyes of the ancients, isn't this against human nature?

After people die, they are all sent to the crematorium to be cremated. Now how many people leave their bodies and sleep in coffins, so that they can be buried in the ground for safety?

This organization believes that all of this is due to the emergence of the first batch of aliens, resistance, and changes to achieve the current results.

People must believe that Hua Tuo can heal with a knife.

There must be one successful transplant case after another to make those patients yearn for a successful pairing and live longer.

It is the result of the efforts of the first batch of people. Those people were so great that they were left in the textbooks to spread the greatness.

Members of these organizations also have vanity, and they also want to be the first batch of great people who successfully transplanted their souls and made human beings live forever.

After listening to the "Pheasant" spirit body's narration, Shen Cang narrowed his eyes dangerously.

There is some water in it, you can believe half of it, and half of it, you can't believe it.

Maybe the spirit wasn't lying, because its eyes were honest.

But all of this is only what the upper echelons of the organization let the spirit body know. Maybe the things that the spirit body knew from the beginning were half-truths and half-false, but the spirit body itself thought it was all true.

Shen Cang: "Is your spirit body made out of sewing?"

The spirit body of "Pheasant" flapped its wings on the back: "Yes, I have the highest matching degree, and it was implanted successfully."

"How many failed experiments have you conducted?"

"I don't know, because I don't know how many organization members there are in the entire Blue Star. This is a mystery, and it may be an amazing number."

"Go to sleep." Shen Cang used a brush dipped in cinnabar to draw runes on the glass bottle.

The spirit body of "Pheasant" felt that it was getting heavier and heavier. It was in a state of floating, but it gradually became a state of squatting. It hugged its knees with its hands, buried its head in the knees, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Little Taotie was already bored playing with the "pheasant" bone.

Her small teeth are obviously very powerful, and can crush chicken bones, but when dealing with "pheasant" bones, it seems that she has met an opponent, and her cheeks hurt from biting, and she can't crush a thin "pheasant". bone.

(End of this chapter)

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