Chapter 641 Don't let him be born

Little Taotie stretched out his hand, and the tender white hand landed between his eyebrows, and a little bit of black smoke was sucked away by the little Taotie's fingers.

After Xiao Taotie ate the chocolate that the enemy tried to send, and the "pheasant" that the enemy tried to save, his cultivation was greatly increased.

She has been able to absorb the evil spirit's resentment with her own will without hindrance.

It turned out that Ino turned into an evil spirit, and Little Taotie could only find a way to untie her obsession, so as to turn the evil spirit into a spirit body, otherwise, he could only make the evil spirit disappear by turning into evil spirit chocolate.

After turning into evil spirit chocolate, the evil spirit will disappear, and the spirit body will also disappear completely.

But now Xiao Taotie can selectively help the evil spirits to absorb their grievances. If they turned into evil spirits due to poor reasons, in fact, Xiao Taotie also wants to help them, and does not want to directly become evil spirits and eat chocolate.

The little baby didn't even have a chance to be born, never came to this world, how could he do anything that hurt others, so Little Glutton didn't want to turn him into evil spirit chocolate and eat him, he wanted to help him suck away his grievances , turned into a spirit body, and gave him a chance to reincarnate.

There was also a brother like this before, Xie Yixian's younger brother, a poor child who was turned into an evil spirit by his mother, but he was actually a mischievous little guy. Little Taotie can come by himself!

After the resentment was inhaled into the body, Little Taotie had an extra memory belonging to the baby of the evil spirit.

When he was five months old, he could sense everything in the outside world through his mother's six senses, he could know many things, and he had the ability to remember things.

It was an afternoon and the sun was very warm.

He was in his mother's stomach, enjoying the strawberries his mother ate. He felt that his mother must love him very much, otherwise he would not have eaten so many delicious foods to feed him.

"You can't give birth to him." The man growled.The voice was very familiar, it was the butler's voice.

"He is the child I have been looking forward to for a long time, and I must give birth!"

"Aren't you stupid! A child can be born anytime, as long as you want! Why now?"

"Being a stepmother for so long, I'm already tired. I don't want to pretend to be like I like that stinky girl! I want to have my own child, and I only like my own child!"

At that time, the evil spirit baby didn't understand the true meaning of the dialogue, but was happy because he heard the phrase "I only like my own children!"
He was very happy, and felt that his mother liked him very much. He was indeed a much-anticipated child. He must grow up quickly, be born quickly, and meet his mother!
"He is a businessman, a person who went from the rural area to a university in the city, and a person who started his own business while in college. Do you think he will have no doubts when he watches his son grow up and doesn't look like him? He will definitely do a DNA test secretly, and then this child will be the ironclad proof of your cheating! You will leave the house!"

"I... I didn't think so far. I just want a child of my own. I have waited so many years to have my own child. The child is connected by blood in my stomach. How can I... how can I not have this child."

"Listen to me, it's just a temporary loss of a child. If you like children, we can have many children in the future. Haven't you already drugged him? When he dies and gets his inheritance, we will leave Huaguo. Go live abroad, okay?"

"……it is good."

In order to "reasonably" get rid of the child, they began to plan how to frame Qiaoqiao.

After hearing the word "good", the little evil spirit baby was already in a trance, and his memory of those conversations was not clear, but he could also vaguely express this conspiracy.

In order to frame her stepdaughter and cover up her infidelity, the woman pretended to be pushed to the ground by her stepdaughter, slammed her stomach against the wall, and fell to the ground, completely killing her unborn child.

In fact, it can be saved in the hospital. After all, the child has already formed, so it is not so easy to lose it, but she has already bribed the doctor, and secretly turned the rescue operation into an abortion operation.

That's why the little evil spirit baby has such strong resentment.

After all, it was his biological parents who planned to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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