Chapter 642 May You Meet A Good Mom

As the resentment was drawn out of the body, so were the memories that made the unborn baby resentful.

Without those memories, and without those resentments, he became a cute, chubby little figure.

He did look a lot like the butler, the kind of little baby who felt like Daddy when he was born.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and pinched his little face. Although there was no touch, the little baby still giggled. He looked at Little Taotie with those big innocent eyes, and stretched out his hand to try to grab Little Taotie's hand. , thinking that Little Taotie was playing with him.

Little Taotie sighed softly, she seems to have matured a lot at this moment, her unique little milk voice reveals tenderness and a hint of pity: "Forget all sorrows. When you reincarnate, I hope you meet a good mother, a woman who loves you , a good mother who is looking forward to your arrival."

A little bit of golden light like a firefly appeared around the little baby. The little baby grabbed the golden light spot, and the light spot mischievously avoided and flew forward. Guided by the reincarnation palace, he will be reincarnated.

Hua Jinyan watched the whole process. Although he didn't see those memories of the little baby, but because of the face that was revealed after the resentment and evil thoughts around the little baby disappeared, and because he had seen that the atmosphere between the hostess and the housekeeper was not right before, he also guessed at this moment. It's the beginning and the end.

Although Xiao Taotie already knew the truth, it was not convincing at all to say that it was because A Piao knew all of this.

Little Taotie pursed her lips, thinking about how to expose Qiaoqiao's stepmother and housekeeper.

She was a little distressed, and couldn't think of a good solution for a while.

Hua Jinyan narrowed his eyes and said, "Qiaoqiao's father, we are here this time, entrusted by the class teacher, to visit Qiaoqiao. Is Qiaoqiao at home?"

Little Taotie, Little Pangdun, and the sports committee all looked at him suspiciously.

When did the class teacher entrust them?

Haven't they already met Qiaoqiao?Qiaoqiao doesn't live here at all!

The three looked at each other, although there were question marks in their heads, they cooperated tacitly and did not speak.

Qiaoqiao's father frowned: "Who gave you the address here?"

Hua Jinyan lied and didn't write the draft: "Qiaoqiao's mother told Qiaoqiao that this is the home address that Qiaoqiao filled out before."

Qiaoqiao's father frowned and looked at his wife, "When did you tell her?"

The woman shook her head, trying to deny it, but the boy said slowly, "Qiaoqiao said, I followed you once..." He deliberately glanced at the housekeeper, squinting: "I've been here before."

The woman was very flustered.

She had indeed been here before, and the place where she cheated was also here.

Qiaoqiao saw it?
what does she know
She regretted not killing Qiaoqiao directly on the pretext of being deeply hurt.

At that time, she was really murderous. If Qiaoqiao died, after her husband died, one less person would be able to share the inheritance.

But after all, she was brought up from a baby, and she still softened her heart.

If I had known that Qiaoqiao had seen her and the housekeeper, I shouldn't have softened my heart!

The woman clenched her fists and lowered her eyes: "I remember, I mentioned this to Qiaoqiao, and Qiaoqiao asked me for my address, but I didn't think much about it, you know, I used to love her very much..." Her voice became softer and softer, as if immersed in sadness.

Qiaoqiao's father thought of his daughter who did such an outrageous thing at such a young age, thought of his wife who had just lost a child, and swallowed the words of blaming her, felt guilty, stretched out his arms to his wife, and comforted softly: "She just can't raise a head. Familiar white-eyed wolf, don't treat her so well in the future."

The woman gave a soft "um" and buried her head in his arms, the little bird was so pitiful.

 Dear friends, there will be an update today~
  Until 24 o'clock in the evening, how many chapters are there~
  hugs, love you~
  1 more to ~
(End of this chapter)

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