Chapter 708 Who is the God of Cooking?

The first episode of "Who is the God of Cooking" finally started broadcasting. This is a popular program before it was broadcast, so the first episode of the first episode has attracted much attention and the ratings have soared.

88 young chefs from all corners of the country, with the passion to carry forward Chinese delicacies, are full of awe-inspiring righteousness on their young faces.

This program was broadcast on Satellite TV. Although the time was a bit late, there were still many people waiting with dark circles under their eyes.

Most of them came because of the trailer, because of the scenes of delicious food in the show, and because of the eight star judges.

Ji Guang's fans are all young, energetic and energetic girls.

Teacher Li's fans are all elderly, experienced people who like cross talk.

Xiao Taotie's fans are not specific, there are eight or 90-year-old grandmothers and grandfathers, and there are six-year-old children in the same class.

The screen of the show is a shot of the little glutton swallowing saliva, and the audience is amused by the cub's gluttonous appearance, making them more immersive.

If these delicacies are not tasty, how could the little cubs sitting on the judging table be so greedy?
In the picture, Little Taotie began to roll up paper balls and blocked his nostrils.

[Hahaha, laugh out loud! 】

【I'm eating watermelon, watching TV while eating, almost choking! 】

[Zaizai's operation is so funny! 】

[It's useless to block your nose, right? 】

[I can feel that those dishes are really fragrant, otherwise Zai Zai wouldn't block his nose! 】

[Look at that woman with purple eyeshadow, her eyes don't look very good! 】

[I know her, she is a model, turned into an actress, and played a supporting role in some big movies, specializing in playing villains. 】

[She herself is very villainous, I think the way she looks at my cub is very unkind. 】

【Look, Ji Guang stared at her! 】

[I didn't expect Guang, who was like a big boy, would have such a side! 】

【He's protecting the cubs! 】

In the program, Little Gluttony looked eagerly at the plate. There was only a little food on the plate, and those bright eyes instantly lost their luster.

[Zai Zai, gourmets can only taste the taste, not open to eat, so be careful! 】

【She is sad, but I want to laugh. 】

[Upstairs, you are not kind. 】

Just when everyone thought that Xiao Taotie could only taste the taste and was not full today, all the other judges were holding on.

[88 chefs, 5 dishes per person, I will do the math. 】

【440! 】

[Yeah, why did I forget, 440 dishes are enough to keep up with the full banquet of Manchurian Han Dynasty! 】

[They need to taste every dish, after eating this meal, they will definitely be full. 】

[The other judges just need to eat one bite, but my Zai Zai is honest, eat as much as it is served, and eat it all! 】

[Save food without wasting it, Zai Zai is awesome! 】

[440 dishes, can her stomach really hold it? 】

The program gave the audience an answer that the little gluttons could eat all of them!

The other judges came back to smell the flavor, or take a sip, but Xiao Taotie ate as much as he wanted.

When the egg fried rice was served, the audience erupted.

【Egg Fried Rice!Is it the egg fried rice in the trailer? 】

[Eh, it seems different? 】

[Number 88 is the cupid chef, yes, why is it different from the egg fried rice in the trailer? 】

[In the trailer, the egg fried rice is golden, why does this plate of egg fried rice look so ordinary? 】

[Zai Zai only took one bite! 】

[Just now, you can eat as much as you want of those delicacies, and finally got a big plate, why did she only eat one bite? 】

(End of this chapter)

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