Chapter 707 Cupid Chef

[My God, you can't imagine how delicious it is! 】

[The egg fried rice I used to fry was rubbish. 】

[From now on, my specialty dish will be fried rice with eggs! 】

[The grains are distinct, the teeth are still elastic, and the fragrance is fragrant, which completely subverted all my inherent impressions of fried rice with eggs! 】

[I used to know how to scramble eggs and fried rice, and I didn’t know how to cook. I followed the video to scramble eggs and fried rice. Although it was not as beautiful and golden as in the video, I could still watch it. My parents were stunned. They never thought it was me. made! 】

[Ditto!I fried a big bowl of fried rice with eggs, and the whole family scrambled to eat it, and there was not a single grain of rice left. 】

[I feel a little drifting, my boyfriend blows me up to the sky, he took my love bento to the office, when my colleagues saw it was egg fried rice, they dismissed it at first, but then they were all slapped in the face! 】

[Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I had the same experience as you, my boyfriend said he was a good buddy who didn’t like him at first, but later saw that he was delicious, so he tasted it, and then the two of them almost had a fight over a bowl of egg fried rice ! 】

[I never thought that one day, I would be praised for my talent in cooking. 】

[You may not believe me if I tell you, I used egg fried rice to catch up with the male god! 】

[Hahaha, that's outrageous, did you confess your love with egg fried rice? 】

[You may not believe me, but I secretly put the love letter and egg fried rice in the male god's desk, and I was walloped by the male god after school! 】

【LOL!Your male god must be a fat man! 】

[Yes, yes, I want to say the same thing, he must be a foodie. 】

[No, my male god is the school girl, let me show you the photos!Picture JPG]

【Wow! 】

[Wow wow wow! 】

[God, so handsome! 】

[This is too handsome! 】

[Has this photo been posted? 】

[No, I promise I never had a P, it was secretly filmed when I had a crush on him before! 】

[You just posted the photo carelessly like this?Are you not afraid that your male god will be angry? 】

【angry?He is my boyfriend now, how dare he be angry!I don't give him scrambled eggs and fried rice! 】

[Using egg fried rice to catch up with such a handsome male god, this trick is absolutely perfect! 】

[The premise is that the male god must be a foodie! 】

[I want to learn, I want scrambled eggs and fried rice for my seniors to eat! 】

[I want to learn too, I want to hand over love letters, I want to send eggs and fried rice, maybe I can have more boyfriends tomorrow! 】

As a result, there has been a wave of confession trends of egg fried rice and love letters in various colleges and universities!

The most outrageous thing is that these people have all succeeded!

Number 20 is affectionately called: Cupid Chef!

The soy sauce advertisement on the 20th is online.

The soy sauce factory originally felt that it was a bad idea to use an unknown chef as its spokesperson, but afterward, Xiao Taotie made a friendly guest appearance, and he felt much better.

As a result, this time there was no need for the little God of Wealth, just relying on "Cupid Chef", the soy sauce was already sold out!

The fire on the 20th, he himself was baffled.

The female chef is also popular, and it is also inexplicably popular.

After the filming ended, the two met on the same bus, and they sat together by fate.

The two looked at each other, both wearing masks, but recognized each other.

Because they are both chefs, they have common hobbies, and the two of them became popular for no reason, and they cherish each other, and they soon came together.

No. 20: "Everyone calls me Chef Cupid, but you and I are connected entirely by the arrow shot by Cupid, the little glutton."

The female chef blushed: "At first, I thought that before the age of 40, I would not be able to save enough money to open a restaurant, but I didn't expect to save enough money so soon."

Now that she has a boyfriend, money, and a restaurant soon, she feels that she has reached the pinnacle of her life!

(End of this chapter)

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