Chapter 712
When a person believes in the "truth" he wants to believe, even if he wears his mouth, he cannot be persuaded.

At this moment, Chef Yu is in a state of being unable to argue with his mouth, allowing them to frame him.

Xiao Li, the vegetable cutter, suddenly let out a "huh" in a loud voice full of surprise, which caused everyone present to turn their attention to him.

Under the attention of everyone, Xiao Li flipped the phone screen and showed it to everyone, "Little Taotie has issued a statement!"

Chef Yu was close, and he was very moved when he saw the little Taotie's eloquent composition.

[In addition, there is one more thing I want to clarify for my friend. 】

With these few words in his eyes, Chef Yu smiled: "It's great that she treats me as a friend!"

Chef Yu looked at the silent colleagues, chuckled, and repeated Xiao Taotie's question: "Egg fried rice is perfunctory? Very simple? Do you have any misunderstandings?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all turned into jagged gourds.

Chef Yu didn't let them go, and kept asking: "If you really go to stir-fry, how many people can fry well?"

"You are all chefs, you should understand the difficulty better than ordinary people, right?"

"Egg fried rice is simple or not, you should be clear about it, right?"

Everyone looked at each other without opening their mouths.

They feel ashamed in their hearts, but they are unwilling to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Facing the silent back kitchen, Chef Yu sneered and was extremely disappointed with them. He took off his chef hat, put it neatly on the table, and sighed softly: "I have been working together for many years. I originally wanted to spend the last time with each other well. But I didn't expect that I was the only one who thought that we used to get along very well, but when something happened, the hypocritical friendship on the surface was torn apart, and it turned out to be so ugly."

Chef Yu raised his head, and glanced at everyone present one by one, "I have already handed in my resignation letter, and I will leave at the end of this month, but now I feel that there is no need to wait until the end of the month, because you have already given me too much room."

Chef Yu left the place where he worked for many years without any regrets.

The boss didn't blame him when he got the news, and gave him a full month's salary for this month.

Chef Yu refused: "I get paid for a few days of cooking, so there is no need to give me so much."

The boss joked: "You don't need to have a relationship with me because of them, you and them are no longer colleagues, and you will be colleagues with me in the future, Boss Yu."

Chef Yu's bad mood turned into a better mood. Thinking of running their own restaurant with his girlfriend in the future, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "A colleague is like an enemy, so you are not afraid that I will steal your business?"

The boss smiled and said: "You can come and grab it, I am a generous person, open the door to do business, each depends on his own ability. Besides, the two restaurants are so far away, no one can grab the other's business. In the future, there may be cooperation The most important thing in doing business is to make money with harmony.”

"Harmony makes money..." Chef Yu murmured these four words lightly, nodded in agreement, "You're right, I've been taught."


In the evening, Chef Yu waits for his girlfriend to get off work at the door of the restaurant where his girlfriend works.

Compared with Chef Yu's poor popularity, the female chef's popularity is excellent.

Knowing that the female chef had handed in her resignation, the sisters in the back kitchen hugged each other and cried.

"If you leave, our restaurant will lose a famous dish!"

"Three meals of big lobster, no one can make this authentic taste except you!"

"Can you not leave, you will lose one singer when you go out to sing in the future!"

"Baby, what will I do if you leave~"

"Old Tie, I don't want you to go!"

"Girlfriend, can you not go?"

Being entangled by the clingy sisters, Li Haowei made many promises, and then broke free from their "claws" and went to the door to meet her boyfriend.

"Why are you so early today?" Li Haowei asked suspiciously.

Yu Chu told his girlfriend what happened in the back kitchen.

Li Haowei sighed: "It's a good thing you didn't have a deep friendship with them."

Chef Yu nodded: "I'm a slow person, and I haven't had much negotiation with them."

Li Haowei clicked on the hot search, "Thank you little Taotie, otherwise you still don't know how you will be hacked!"

Chef Yu nodded, and lifted the food box in his hand, "I plan to bring food to thank you, shall we go together?"

Li Haowei also misses this little cutie who "burned paper" for him, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll go get some delicious snacks."


Little Taotie packed his luggage and prepared to participate in a detective variety show.

Qin Xin looked at the little Taotie who was dressed as a little Sherlock Holmes, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Are you sure you don't want to change clothes?"

Little Taotie put the toy pipe into his mouth, raised his little chin: "I am Sherlock Holmes!"

Qin Xin covered her eyes, she couldn't see it.

Cheng Guodong said hesitantly: "If you dress up as Sherlock Holmes, if you can't find out the truth of the case, wouldn't it be embarrassing? People will make fun of you."

"I will definitely find out the truth!" Little Taotie picked up his backpack and stabilized his hat, "I will make everyone believe that I am Sherlock Holmes, there is no truth that I cannot find out!"

The nanny knocked on the door, "Xiao Taotie, there are two guests visiting."

Little Taotie tilted his head, his hat almost fell off, he hurriedly held it up, wondering: "My guest?"

(End of this chapter)

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