Chapter 713 Delicacy in the food box
Cheerful footsteps approached, Yu Chu and Li Haowei looked up at the same time, and saw the little Taotie trotting over.

The little figure is wearing a trench coat, a bowler hat, and holds a pipe and walking stick.

Chef Yu asked his girlfriend uncertainly, "I'm looking at her, she looks familiar, who is it?"

Li Haowei licked his lips: "I feel like... Sherlock Holmes."

Chef Yu clapped his hands: "Yes, it's Sherlock Holmes!"

Little Taotie heard the conversation between the two, stood still in front of them, then turned around, raised his chin, and put his pipe in his mouth: "You can see it, and everyone can see it too!"

Seeing the backpack carried by Little Taotie and the suitcase at hand, Li Haowei asked, "Are you going to film a show?"

Little Taotie nodded his head: "If you guys come later, I will go out."

"It's better to come early than coincidentally! This is for you to kill time on the way!" Chef Yu handed over the food box.

Li Haowei handed over a large bag of snacks, "We made them all ourselves, I hope you don't dislike them."

Little Taotie has seen the culinary skills of the two, so how could he dislike them!

Little Taotie happily took the delicious food given to her by the two, "I heard from my elder brother that you are going to open a restaurant?"

Chef Yu and Li Haowei looked at each other and smiled sweetly.

Chef Yu nodded: "We have already selected a place, and it will take some time until the decoration is completed."

"When you open, you must inform me, I will join you!" Little Taotie's eyes sparkled, full of anticipation.

The second brother said that Huaguo is a country of etiquette, and etiquette is reciprocal.

After receiving their delicious food, when their restaurant opens, I have to prepare a gift for them to celebrate the opening of their restaurant.

"Okay, I will let you know when it opens!" Chef Yu was very happy, "I will cook for you myself!"

Little Taotie stretched out his little finger: "Lagou, don't lie!"

"Okay, pull the hook!" Li Haowei rushed to pull the hook with Xiao Taotie before her boyfriend, her heart was bubbling with happiness, she had already secretly joined the fan group, and became a fan of Zai Zai's sister!

She pulled the hook with one hand and took a picture with the other, smiling slyly.

After I go back, I will go to the group to show off, hehehe~

Little Taotie sat in the nanny's car and opened the food box.

This is a very retro food box, just like the food box that appeared in the costume drama, wooden, carved, one by one.

Open the lid on the top, the first layer is fried fresh and crispy little crispy meat.

The small crispy meat has one flavor when it is hot, and another flavor when it is cold. No matter how you eat it, it is always fragrant.

Little Taotie put down his toy pipe, put on disposable gloves, and began to eat small crispy meat, completely treating it as a casual snack.

The shooting location was far away, and Xiao Taotie had finished eating the crispy meat and hadn't arrived yet, so he opened the second floor.

The second layer is an eight-treasure duck!

Chef Yu had cooked this dish during the competition. At that time, Xiao Taotie could only get a piece to taste, which was not enough for him.

Now, the whole Eight Treasure Duck is hers!
Little Taotie squinted his eyes happily, happily eating the duck.

After eating the eight-treasure duck, she still didn't reach her destination, so she opened the last layer of the food box.

The last layer turned out to be a bowl of egg fried rice!

Egg fried rice was cold.

Ordinary egg fried rice will become hard and dry when it is cold, or it will become very greasy, which will affect the taste and produce an eggy smell.

But this bowl of egg fried rice is still delicious even if it is cold.

This is the latest cooking method developed by Chef Yu. Compared with the skills in the "Who Is Chef" program, his cooking skills have now improved to a higher level, and it can be said that he has reached the pinnacle in the field of egg fried rice.

He also found that after the egg fried rice is cold, various disadvantages will appear, and it will be even more unpalatable when it is reheated. If the egg fried rice is cold and still maintains the original taste, or it is more delicious after cooling, it will take a lot of money. Work done.

In a country with a good life, the sushi is made cold and tastes better.

Chef Yu thoroughly studied sushi, then made egg fried rice, and tasted it after it was cold. After dozens of attempts, he came up with the current bowl of egg fried rice, which is delicious even when it is cold.

The egg fried rice is delicious and elastic, with a sweet taste when chewing, without any eggy smell. The little gluttons eat it with big mouthfuls, and the more they eat, the more delicious it becomes.

After eating the delicacies in the food box, Little Taotie opened the dim sum gift pack that Li Haowei gave her.

(End of this chapter)

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