Chapter 714 Failed Chicken Breast
Chocolate pancakes, buttered omelets, cream puffs, egg croquettes...

Little Taotie was extremely happy, watching the scenery outside while eating.

The reinforced concrete city is gradually turning into a green field...

By the time the little Taotie had finished eating the dim sum gift pack, he hadn't arrived at his destination yet!
Gu Bei fell asleep, woke up, turned his head, and saw that the food box was empty, and the big bag of snacks was also empty, so he helped his forehead: "You eat too fast, you are still on the way, you are already full Finished."

Little Taotie tilted his head: "They said it was for me to kill time in the car."

"They were just saying polite things."

"A polite word?" Little Taotie was about to make a call.

Gu Bei asked: "What are you going to do?"

Little Taotie: "Call and ask if they are speaking politely."

Gu Bei: "..."

Gu Bei sighed: "Stop beating, my little ancestor, I just said it casually, you don't need to ask, how embarrassing it is."

Little Taotie put down his phone, touched his belly, "I'm not full."

It was getting dark outside the window, and it was time for dinner.

In fact, Gu Bei and the two bodyguards were also very hungry.

Gu Bei sighed: "Haven't you had enough yet?"

Little Taotie nodded, and said honestly, "It doesn't matter if you are full, and the fried rice with eggs is only a small bowl."

"And egg fried rice?" Gu Bei fell asleep and didn't know what was in the food box, but the aroma of the crispy meat was so strong that he also guessed that there was little crispy meat in it. snack.

"That's right, Chef Cupid's specialty dish!" Little Taotie couldn't get enough of it: "It's really delicious!"

Gu Bei: "When he opens a restaurant, you can eat there often."

Little Taotie nodded his head: "I will always patronize!"

Gu Bei looked at the street scene outside the window, "There are no restaurants nearby, so let's eat at the destination."

Little Taotie nodded aggrievedly, he was obedient and pitiful.

Gu Bei opened his carry-on bag and handed her a pack of instant chicken breast.

It was the first time for Xiao Taotie to eat this, so he asked doubtfully, "Why haven't I eaten it before?"

"Boss newly developed it."

"Brother has developed a new snack?"

Little Taotie took a bite, felt a little sticky, and shook his head: "It's not very tasty."

Gu Bei: "It is indeed a failure, so I didn't take it out for you to eat. You are hungry now, so I can only give it to you."

"Did you eat it yourself?"

"Yeah, it can't be wasted. All of us employees have been sent a big box."

"Everyone has a big box?"

"Yes, I eat it every day, and I haven't finished it yet, hundreds of packs."

"Did brother give up on it?"

"It should have given up. After sending the failed product to us, I haven't heard of continuing research."

Little Taotie drank several mouthfuls of water after eating: "It's a bit salty."

Gu Bei nodded: "I also think it's salty, but after all, it's chicken breast with high protein content. I'm trying to lose weight, so I can still eat it when I'm hungry."

"Are you losing weight?" Little Taotie tilted his head, looking at him suspiciously, "Why are you trying to lose weight?"

Gu Bei has a well-proportioned body, which is a body that does not need to lose weight.

"It's not weight loss, it's fat loss. I want to build muscle and figure."


Gu Bei was embarrassed: "I'm in a relationship, so I have to pay attention to my image."

Little Taotie remembered that Gu Bei was in love with the bodyguard sister.

"Then you should practice." The little man looked at him very understandingly, "You are much worse than the bodyguard sister. If you don't practice, you will be disgusted."

Gu Bei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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