Chapter 716 Having a Girlfriend with Muscles

Cheng Guodong stared at the assistant with unfriendly eyes: "Don't flatter your horse, tell the truth!"

Assistant: "..." Dare I say it?
As if he understood the assistant's eyes, Cheng Guodong snorted, "I'm not angry at what you say today."

"No salary deductions?" the assistant asked weakly.

Cheng Guodong squinted at him: "No buckle."

"Not fired?" The assistant trembled.

Cheng Guodong withdrew his gaze and shook his head: "No speculation."

The assistant let out a breath: "Then I will speak boldly."

Cheng Guodong lowered his eyes: "You say."

"Boss, who are you to compare with? Your two sworn brothers, one grew up eating steak and has a good body. Fitness is like breathing. If you don't exercise for a day, you will feel uncomfortable. Plus, he has a girlfriend now. Then, focus more on fitness."

Cheng Guodong pursed his lips: "I can't compare with my second brother."

"You can't compare with your third brother. Who is Gu Dingliu? Didn't you let me investigate his details? He used to be a martial arts student, but he has real kung fu!"

Cheng Guodong frowned: "You can't compare with the third brother."

Just when the assistant breathed a sigh of relief, Cheng Guodong said, "Take it off."

The assistant suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, and looked at Cheng Guodong in surprise.

"I told you to take off your shirt."

The assistant covered his neckline, with a terrified expression on his face, and stepped back, "Boss, I'm a showman, not a person!"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

The assistant thought wildly: The boss has a house, a car, money, a company, everything, but no girlfriend!This is not scientific at all!Unless...he doesn't like women at all!
Thinking of him telling him to take off now, the assistant panicked even more.

"I... I'm a straight man!" the assistant yelled, turned around and was about to run.

Cheng Guodong grabbed his back collar, "What are you thinking in your mind! I'm just looking at your figure!"

Look at the figure! ! !
The assistant panicked even more, and tightened his grip on the buttons, "It's pretty good, look at your figure..."

Cheng Guodong felt that it was necessary for him to change to an assistant!

"Don't take it off?" Cheng Guodong's voice was dangerous: "Salary deducted! Fired!"

The assistant angrily said, "You say you won't hold it! You say you won't fire it!"

Cheng Guodong sneered: "I didn't say that I would be punished if I go back on my word. Why can't I go back on my word?"


Mortgage!car loan!Credit card loan!

Countless debts floated through the assistant's mind!
In the end, he chose to endure the humiliation and unbuttoned it.

Cheng Guodong sat on the boss chair, crossed his legs, "Turn around, take your hands down, they are all men, so why not!"

Assistant: "...too shameful."

Cheng Guodong was amazed: "I haven't seen you working out, why do you have muscles and abdominal muscles!"

The assistant muffled: "I have a girlfriend."

Cheng Guodong squinted at him: "What does having a girlfriend have to do with having muscles?"

The assistant wiped his face with his hands, wanting to cry, "When I got home, my girlfriend cooked for me. After eating, I don't need to wash the dishes, it's very kind to me."

Cheng Guodong nodded: "She has already cooked, it should be you who wash the dishes, it is indeed very kind to you."

The assistant sighed: "She doesn't want anything else from me, except that I have eight-pack abs."

Cheng Guodong: "'s quite difficult."

The assistant had a bitter face: "My girlfriend treats me so well, what else can I do besides fulfilling her little wishes? So after get off work, no matter how tired or late, I will exercise for an hour before going to bed, and I will never slack off! "

Cheng Guodong pondered: "If I find a girlfriend, can I also develop abdominal muscles?"

 Dear friends, happy 51st day, we agreed to show you a color picture of the little white beast today!
  Everyone, go to the book friend circle to read the post, the first one on the top of the book friend circle~
  I have posted many versions. The square image can be used as a computer desktop, the white little beast is high-definition, and zooming in does not hinder the pixels of the white little beast. The rectangular one can be used as a mobile phone screen.

  I hope you all like it~ I love you~ Meme~
  I modified the sketch based on the suggestions I collected in April, and modified the tail part to make it fluffy and soft.

  There is nothing special about the eyes of the little white beast in the sketch, but after coloring, you will find that it is very beautiful~~~
  Little Taotie's eyes have always been the focus of my writing. She has a pair of beautiful, all-encompassing eyes that contain stars and seas, shining brightly.

  I try my best to present it in the picture, although it may not be as good as the fantasy.

(End of this chapter)

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