Chapter 717 Special Stylist

The assistant was dumbfounded: "This is a very dangerous thought."

Cheng Guodong ignored him and called the old man directly, "Grandpa, why haven't you introduced me to someone recently?"

On the other end of the phone, the old man was angry: "The time and place that was sent to you, when did you read it, and when did you go there? My old face is completely ashamed! I won't introduce you to any more partners, the granddaughters of my old brothers When they heard that the blind date was you, they were all unwilling to come!"

Cheng Guodong muffled: "I was busy some time ago."

The old man's eyeballs rolled around: "Then you are not busy now?"

"Well, I haven't been busy recently."

"You boy, I finally want to find someone!"

"You arrange it, send me a message, and I will read it."


The old man held a gathering of old friends that night, and finally enlightened his grandson, and shared with the old guys about finding a partner.

"This is a good thing! Just wait to hold your great-grandson!" A stylishly dressed old man said.

The old man's eyes lit up, "I said, Lao Zheng, your granddaughter is not too young..."

Old Zheng waved his hand: "She doesn't think so, a career woman, unmarried and infertile."

The old man earnestly said: "This is not good, when you reach the age, you have to find someone you can talk to and live with..."

Old Zheng shrugged: "I don't care about her."

The old man actually liked the granddaughter of Lao Zheng's family very much. She was a smart, intelligent girl who was good at studying. If she could date her grandson and give birth to a son who looked like the woman, she would definitely be a good student.

The old man leaned close to Lao Zheng's ear and muttered.

Old Zheng's eyes were suspicious, "Isn't this bad?"

The old man lowered his voice: "What's wrong, we are doing it for their own good."

Old Zheng Fu forehead: "I really don't want to care about it. If I get divorced in the future, I will be blamed for my meddling old man."

The old man put on a straight face and said seriously: "There is no precedent for divorce in our family, don't worry."

Old Zheng hesitated, unable to make a decision.

The old man: "You don't need to answer me now. If you agree, just call me. If you don't agree, don't call me. Let's just pretend it's nothing."

Old Zheng nodded: "OK, I'll go back and discuss it with my wife."

The stylist sister who was far away from the shooting base sneezed and suddenly felt a little cold.

The little assistant handed her a duck down vest, "The temperature difference between morning and evening in the mountains is huge, Master, don't catch cold."

The stylist sister smiled: "Okay, thank you for my caring little apprentice."

The little assistant blushed and looked at the headlights in the distance, "Is there a car coming? Could it be Xiao Taotie?"

The stylist sister shook her head: "I don't know if it's her, but she will definitely come."

The little assistant admired: "Master, only you will put down tens of millions of business and come here to chase stars under the name of a stylist."

The stylist sister smiled: "I'm afraid that others will misuse cosmetics for my cubs. The ones I bring are all baby-friendly, pure natural, and harmless."

The car stopped, Gu Bei got out of the car, saw the familiar stylist, and said hello: "Hello."

The stylist sister stepped forward and looked at Little Taotie who was sleeping in the car, "Hello. It's very remote here, didn't it take a lot of time to drive here?"

Gu Bei nodded: "Seven or eight hours."

"Have you eaten?"


"Little apprentice, go prepare some food."

"Yes, Master!"

After the little assistant left, the sister stylist asked, "Do you want to wake up Zai Zai?"

Gu Bei laughed and said: "When the delicious food comes, she will wake up by herself, let her sleep for a while."

The stylist sister nodded, got into the nanny car, and sat next to Little Taotie.

Looking at Xiao Taotie's sleeping face, the stylist sister suddenly had the urge to have a daughter.

Gu Bei also got into the car, and joked with a smile: "Did you follow her itinerary?"

"Isn't chasing stars like this? Where does she go, where do I go."

"You're about to become her dedicated stylist."

"I love this job."

Gu Bei had no choice but to ask, "Do you feel free to hand over your business to others?"

The stylist sister is quite confident: "Employees are not suspicious and others are not."

(End of this chapter)

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