Chapter 723 Detective Xiao Taotie

"Dog hole?"

"What's so strange, it's normal to have a dog hole in such a big place."

"The problem is that the Earl doesn't have a dog at all. Why is there a dog hole here?"

"Where there is no place to keep dogs, the dog holes are usually filled."

"That's right, dog holes are generally not kept."

Everyone discussed enthusiastically.

Little Taotie took out his toy pipe, and said again: "When the gardener was chatting with brother Guang, he looked in the direction of the dog hole eight times, and every time he talked about tulips being very valuable, he would look towards the dog hole."

Everyone looked at the pipe in Little Taotie's hand, and fell into a weird silence.

Little Taotie turned into little Sherlock Holmes, and analyzed in an orderly manner: "The gardener likes flowers very much, but the earl will sell the flowers when they bloom. He thought of a way to transport the blooming tulips out through the dog hole. Obviously, there are people outside the dog hole. accepted."

She looked at the crowd, who were lost in thought because of what she said.

Little Taotie continued to analyze: "The maid's sister looked at the earl with gentle eyes, she didn't look like she wanted to kill the earl at all. When she went to find the gardener, her eyes were full of disgust, obviously she was not on the same side as the gardener."

"Indeed, I also feel that they are not very easy to deal with."

"Then rule out the case where the maid and the gardener conspired to kill the earl, but after the earl's death, the two of them disappeared together. How can we explain why they disappeared together?"

Little Taotie tapped the table with a toy pipe, very rhythmic, everyone followed the rhythm and fell silent, looking at Little Taotie with unison, waiting for her to give an explanation.

Little Taotie felt like the little detective everyone was looking forward to now, with big eyes twinkling, full of joy.

Little Taotie: "The gardener should join forces with outsiders to kill the count, and the maid will definitely stop it. Afterwards, he disappeared with the gardener, maybe he was killed by the gardener, and the body was taken away, or maybe he was still alive, but was kidnapped by the gardener."

Hearing this, everyone seemed to be enlightened and looked at each other, never expecting that it was Xiao Taotie who solved the mystery.

"You are amazing!" The girl raised her thumbs up to Little Taotie.

The middle-aged people are also boasting about the little gluttons.

Little Taotie blushed, but luckily there was a mask to cover it up.

Ji Guang asked: "That is to say, the murderer is the gardener and the people who met him in the dog cave?"

Little Taotie: "This is just a guess, we must find evidence."

"Evidence?" The girl eagerly asked, "How to find it?"

Little Taotie commanded like a little adult: "Brother Ji Guang stared at the gardener and continued to chat with him about planting flowers. The person who answered him must have come to pick up flowers late at night. When the night approaches, the gardener will persuade you to leave, you must pester him." Hold him."

She looked at the middle-aged male artist, "Uncle, when the time comes, you will put on the gardener's clothes and pretend to be a gardener. You will be in a dark place, and your hat should be lowered so that the people outside will not be able to see you."

"What about me?" the girl asked eagerly.

Little Taotie thought for a while, "You chat with the maid sister and protect the maid sister."

She looked at the others: "Go to the earl, find some topics to hold the earl, and prevent the earl from going to the garden."

"Can we find evidence in this way?" someone asked.

Little Taotie looked at these confused adults, and sighed old-fashionedly, "The sign says, please find the murderer before the count is killed, and prevent the count from being killed. Our most important task is to prevent the count from being killed, even if we don't find the real murderer." Fierce, as long as the count doesn't die tonight, we don't have to be buried with him."

Everyone was stunned and ashamed.

A lot of age, not as good as a child's brain.

(End of this chapter)

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