Chapter 724 The Earl Thinks Wrong Again
Wan Lai was silent, and suddenly a small dog barked at the position of the dog hole in the backyard.

The middle-aged male artist pretending to be a gardener reached out and pressed the brim of his hat.

He approached the dog cave with a basket of tulips in his arms. Before he could speak, the barking of dogs outside the dog cave stopped and was replaced by human voices.

The young man's voice was strong: "Why is it taking so long? Did you increase the amount today?"

"Hmm." The middle-aged male artist made an indistinct voice.

On the other side, the real gardener was very anxious, but Ji Guang pestered him to ask questions about planting tulips, and never let him go for a moment.

The gardener yawned, pretending to be very tired: "I've been busy for a day, I'm too tired, so excuse me."

Naturally, Ji Guang wouldn't let him go so easily. He stretched out his hand to stop him, pretending to be distressed: "My elder is going to celebrate her birthday, I really want to plant a pot of tulips for her, please. Please refresh yourself, first Don't go to sleep."

The gardener frowned tightly, but insisted on leaving.

Ji Guang still blocked the way: "Do you want coffee?"

"I don't drink, I'm really tired. Guest, I just want to sleep now."

"But my business is also very urgent. After all, I am a guest, so can you help me?"

"My hair is dizzy from tiredness, aren't you afraid that I'll teach you wrong? I'll answer your question when I wake up and feel refreshed."

"That won't work."

"Guest, I'm really tired..."

Ji Guang was sullen: "If you don't want to teach me, just tell me, don't hide it, use tiredness as an excuse."

The gardener really wanted to slap this thing that couldn't understand human language to death.

"It must be that I can't control you. I will ask the count to help me and let him control you."

"No, no, don't bother the count, I'll teach you!"

The gardener stayed behind, but his eyes showed eagerness, looking at the garden from time to time.

On the other hand, the Earl felt very puzzled, what are so many people doing standing in front of his room at this late hour?
"You are this?"

Rock team member: "We want to talk to you."

The count asked them to wait, put on a coat, and went with them to the hall.

"Count, the tulips in the garden are so beautiful, I want to take some seeds home, can I?"

"It's possible... But can you grow it? It seems very simple, but it is very difficult to grow tulips well, otherwise tulips will not have a price or no market."

"I heard that the tulips sold in the city are very similar to the tulips you have here." The rock member lowered his voice, almost speaking in the Earl's ear.

Although the count felt a little uncomfortable, everyone was male, so he didn't take it seriously at first.

Seeing that his face was expressionless, the rock members blew closer to his ear, "Can you sell me a little, I'll buy it for any money, the tulips sold in the city are really exactly the same as the tulips you have here, and they are very expensive."

The earl's heart skipped a beat.

so close?

Is he...

The count suspected that the other party had a problem with his orientation, and seemed to be interested in him, otherwise he would not have knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Could it be... is his crazy suitor?
No one knows what the earl is thinking. If the members of the rock team know, they will definitely slap him in the face. He approached him just to keep it a secret. This old man actually thinks wrong!

The Earl distanced himself from the members of the rock team, and smiled awkwardly: "Are you kidding me, why would I take your money. If you want tulips, just pick them up."

"This...isn't that good?" The rock team members pretended to be embarrassed and embarrassed.

She pretended too much, and even blushed a little.

Seeing his swaying look, the count lost his mind again, his little heart was beating wildly: Am I... so attractive?

(End of this chapter)

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