Chapter 725 Five Hundred Tulips
The girl found the maid and pretended to borrow sanitary napkins, and the topic was extended to the girl's make-up and clothes.

When it comes to being beautiful, girls can't help but prick up their ears.

So the girl and the maid are very harmonious, and the two seem to have endless topics to talk about, such as confidants.

The maid was stopped by the girls, the earl was kept by the members of the rock team, and the real gardener was frightened by Ji Guang's semi-threatening tone and dared not go into the garden.

The gardener pretending to be a middle-aged male artist has already handed all the tulips to the people outside the dog cave.

Relying on the faint moonlight, he couldn't see clearly what the people outside the dog cave looked like, and the people outside the dog cave couldn't see his face clearly either.

"The number is wrong." A surprised voice came from outside the dog cave.

"Huh?" The middle-aged male artist asked in a nasal voice.

"I asked you to increase the amount, why didn't you increase the amount! Five hundred, at least five hundred are needed every day! You also want to make money, don't you? Why are there only two hundred?"

After a long time, the people outside the dog cave couldn't hear the answer, and their voice became irritable: "Didn't you say that you are in a hurry to spend money and let me find more buyers, as long as the price is high, you can get as many tulips as you want? "

"I..." The middle-aged male artist said a word, trying to imitate the tone of the gardener.

After hearing only one word, there is no more to say, and the people outside the dog's hole went straight into the dog's hole.

The middle-aged male artist was flustered, afraid that he would find out that he was a fake when he approached, so he quickly stretched out his hand to block the dog hole, eagerly: "Whatever you do, you will be found out!"

He tried to imitate the gardener's voice, and it was somewhat similar.

When a middle-aged male artist is not filming, he has worked as a voice actor for a living, so he knows some vocal skills and is very good at imitating voices.

"Take your hands away and let me in!"


"What's the matter with you, you agreed that five hundred tulips will become two hundred, and if you don't make up for it, then I'll pick it myself!"

"No way!"

But in the end, he still didn't stop the person in the dog hole. He rushed in, with a big margin, and accidentally knocked off the middle-aged male artist's hat.

The middle-aged male artist hurriedly picked up the hat, and secretly shouted: It's over!
But the other party didn't call out that he was a fake!
Doesn't the other party know what the gardener looks like?
The middle-aged male artist didn't put it back on immediately, but let his face be exposed for a little longer.

The other party was indifferent, and didn't see any difference in the gardener in front of him.

The middle-aged male artist guessed in his heart: Maybe he is face-blind, he only recognizes clothes but not people.Or, he hadn't seen his "partner"'s face clearly before, so he wasn't surprised at all.

"Don't get in the way, I'm going to pick flowers!" The other party was very irritable, and his growls spread far in the dark night.

"Hush! Take it easy, do you want to mess with everyone?"

"So what if you provoke me, what can you do with me?"

The middle-aged male artist couldn't stop him at all, and some suspected that it was the same situation on the day of the murder.

He didn't follow up, but went to Xiao Taotie to explain the situation, and decided on the next strategy before the other party left.

While the other party was picking tulips in the garden, it would take a long time to pick [-] tulips, so he quietly found Xiao Taotie.

He told all the annoying things that happened today, focusing on the fact that the other party didn't recognize that he was a fake.

Little Taotie was silent for a long time, before analyzing: "This business must be very important, otherwise he wouldn't rush in to pick the flowers."

Middle-aged male artist: "I thought of that too."

Little Taotie frowned: "If we hadn't stopped the Earl, his noise would have attracted the Earl's attention. When the Earl saw outsiders picking tulips, he would have stopped him, so there was a conflict."

(End of this chapter)

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