Chapter 736
"Calm down first, I didn't say you were lying."

"But your eyes are suspicious of me!"

"You are mistaken. I am a public official. Before the case is confirmed, I will not look at anyone with strange eyes."

The man muffled: "Whatever you say, anyway, I just think your eyes seem to be suspicious of me."

Suddenly, the lights in the interrogation room went out.

No images in the interrogation room could be seen through the double-glazing.

The choreographer, wearing a police uniform, opened the door of Xiao Taotie's room and walked in, asking, "They, who is lying?"

The girl pondered: "It doesn't look like a lie."

Middle-aged male artist: "Among the two, one of them must be lying, and the one who is lying is the real murderer."

Ji Guang looked at Xiao Taotie, who was playing with the toy pipe in his hand, blinking his eyes, as if thinking.

"Can you guess who's lying?"

Hearing this, Little Taotie looked up at Ji Guang and tilted his head: "I think they are all lying."

"They're all lying?" Rock team members approached, "I feel the same way, both of them have flaws in what they said!"

Choreographer: "Next, you can go to the crime scene."

"Public restroom?" the girl asked.

The director nodded, opened the door, and made a gesture of please.


Under the leadership of the director, they walked to a restaurant.

The editor pointed to the seat by the window: "If the murderer is the latter, the cause is only this seat."

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed. The ancient window was half open, and there was a drizzle falling outside the window. From the inside, the rain fell gently on the pomegranate tree outside the window, and the pale yellow pomegranate flowers were moistened by the rain. , like a beautiful painting, quiet and beautiful.

Who would have thought that an extremely brutal murder occurred just across the window.

The director took them to the door of the bathroom, "This is the men's bathroom, Xiao Taotie and Xiao Kei stay here, don't go in, the pictures inside are not suitable for you to watch."

The girl was extremely embarrassed: "Director, I am no longer a child star. I have grown up, and you still call me cute, I feel embarrassed."

The choreographer shrugged: "That makes you so cute."

Girl: "..." Even more embarrassing!
Xiao Taotie followed Ji Guang secretly, not wanting to attract the director's attention, and hoped that the director would chat with little cute sister for a while, so that he wouldn't find himself sneaking in!

What does the men's restroom look like?
I really want to take a look~
Little Taotie's big agile eyes flickered with a sly gleam.

"Little glutton!"

The director's voice sounded behind him.

Little Taotie quickened his pace and almost walked in!

Suddenly her feet flew into the air, she was stunned for a moment, then looked up, "Brother Guang?"

She was picked up by Ji Guang.

"Girls are not allowed in the men's restroom." Ji Guang put her down, and ruthlessly closed the door of the restroom.

There is a square glass window on the door, and the little Taotie wants to stand on tiptoe to look at it.

But she was so short that even if she stood on tiptoe as hard as she could, she couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, she vacated again.

Little Taotie looked back, she was lifted up by the little cute sister.

The little cute sister lifted her to the position of the window so that she could see inside.

Little Taotie looked in, only to see bloodstains on the ground, and a wall blocked his view.

The door opened, and a middle-aged male artist rushed out.

"Ouch!" He retched, his face pale.

"Are you okay?" the girl asked.

The middle-aged male artist looked depressed: "Fortunately, you didn't go in, the prop master is too dedicated."

(End of this chapter)

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