Chapter 737 Tomato Sauce and Mulberry Juice

Little Taotie and the girl looked at each other, and what they saw in each other's eyes was eagerness to try, without a trace of fear.

Girl: "Would you like to see it?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously.

The middle-aged male artist hurriedly stopped him: "Don't look, you will have nightmares!"

"We're not afraid, are we?" the girl asked Little Taotie.

Little Taotie nodded vigorously.

I am a little detective in a special department!Don't be afraid of anything!
Hmph, even the real A Piao is not afraid!

Little Taotie raised his chin, a little proud.

The middle-aged male artist persuaded: "For the effect of the show, they also arranged corpses. According to the director, the prop master is a professional in sculpture, and the work is too realistic. Don't watch it, it will really be a nightmare!"

"Really similar?" The girl's eyes lit up: "The more you say that, the more I want to see it!"

She looked at Little Taotie, and Little Taotie nodded frantically, his big eyes were full of curiosity and sparkled.

The middle-aged male artist held his forehead: "I'm so sick, didn't you see it?"

The girl squinted at him, "With all due respect, you are the one who is timid."

Little Taotie covered his mouth and smiled secretly, like a naughty kitten.

Looking at the eyes of the two girls, one big and one small, the middle-aged male artist felt a bright "look down".

Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged male artist sighed bitterly: "It's really scary. If you insist on watching it, I won't stop you."

The girl took Xiao Taotie's hand and swaggered towards the men's room.

Because the middle-aged male artist rushed out of the men's restroom, the door is now open, and everyone inside is carefully observing the crime scene and the "corpse", but no one has noticed that the girl came in holding the hand of Xiao Taotie .

Walking past the wall that blocked the view, the panoramic view of the men's room came into view.

On the left is a row of urinals, and on the right is a row of single toilet rooms.

The third urinal was full of bright red blood, and the white urinal had been dyed black and red at this moment, with dry blood sticking to it.

The door to the third single toilet on the right was open, the toilet lid was covered, and the white toilet was stained with blood.

The corpse lay across the middle between the third urinal and the third single toilet, like a human bridge.

The corpse was on its back, stabbed several times in the back, its legs were twisted, as if they had been interrupted during a struggle, limp and twisted together, and the coconut shoes on its feet were stained with blood.

"Can I have a look at the front?" Ji Guang asked.

The director nodded: "Look at it as you like."

Rock team member: "Although I know it's a prop, I'm still scared."

Ji Guang stepped forward, touched the blood on the ground with his hand, and asked, "What is this?"

Choreographer: "Tomato sauce with mulberry juice."

Ji Guang put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, nodded: "It does smell like ketchup."

The red of tomato sauce combined with the purple of mulberry juice turned into a rust color.

The mulberry juice will oxidize over time, gradually turning from purple to dark purple, and the rust-colored blood will also gradually turn black and purple over time, just like real blood turns black and purple over time.

The members of the rock team who were immersed in fear were not so frightened when they heard their conversations and some dramas.

They squatted down, imitated Ji Guang's movements, put a little "blood" in front of their noses, smelled it, and nodded: "The smell of tomato sauce is very strong."

Ji Guang asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

The rock team members nodded in unison.

Ji Guang: "Since you're not afraid anymore, give him your hand and turn him over."




With their help, Ji Guang turned the "corpse" over smoothly, facing up.

(End of this chapter)

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