Chapter 739 Equals No Witnesses
The fragile great artist cried out in anger.

The director felt that he should reject him, and wanted to give him some compensation, and let him find the next one quickly.

Unexpectedly, the great artist who wiped away his tears said in a muffled voice: "Okay, I will try my best to make a flawless product."

The director was surprised: "You choose to compromise?"

The great artist nodded, aggrieved: "I still have a mortgage to pay."

Director: "..."

All right, great artists are also mortals, and they always need food, clothing and shelter.

After being "reprocessed" by great artists, flaws appear in perfect works, and they are no longer so perfect.

The bloody picture became like an abstract painting. Although there is still a sense of horror, most people don't think abstract paintings are scary. On the contrary, realistic paintings are even more terrifying.

The face of the "corpse" was originally dead, with blood on the corners of the eyes, chapped lips, and a blue face...

But after being "reprocessed", that face was just as pale as paper, with eyes closed and peaceful.

Bypassing the wall that blocked the view, the original sight was a very impactful, bloody atmosphere, but now it is just a large pool of blood flowing around the corpse. There is at most a little blood on the urinal and toilet, and there is no mottled or full pool blood.

The director was very satisfied: "This kind of shoddy production, with a dozen special effects for [-] cents, is not scary at all."

The prop master said in tears: "In the end, I still bowed to the evil forces of money."

The director patted him on the shoulder: "When the mortgage is paid off, you will be a proud artist who won't bend his waist for money."

The prop master choked up: "After paying off the mortgage, there is still a car loan."

Choreographer: "...All right, let's pursue the soul of art after you retire?"

The prop master sighed: "The essence of art is poverty."

The director agrees: "Painters are famous only after they are dead, and paintings that are not dead are worthless."

The prop master was slightly taken aback: "What you said makes sense."


Xiao Taotie and the others sat in the lounge, replaying the statements of the two "witnesses" in the interrogation room over and over again.

Ji Guang: "What both of them said is true."

Girl: "There is blood on the urinal, so what the young man said is true? The man did kill the victim in the urinal."

Rock team members shook their heads: "But the toilet is also stained with blood. According to the man's statement, the student killed the deceased in the toilet."

"What both of them said seems to be true." Little Taotie tilted his head: "But they both seem to be false."

"So they're all lying?" Ji Guang asked.

Little Taotie blinked and nodded: "I think they are all lying, but there is no proof."

The director came in, and now he brought a lawyer in.

"This is the young man's lawyer."

Then came another lawyer, the man's lawyer.

The two lawyers wanted to express the same meaning: there is no evidence to prove that their defender is the murderer.

Little Taotie's eyes were blank, "I don't quite understand."

The girls were equally at a loss.

In terms of law, their knowledge points are relatively blank.

Ji Guang frowned and looked at the director.

The editor replied: "Both are witnesses, but they are accusing each other, so the two witnesses are not established, and the testimony of the two has no legal effect."

"That is to say, what the two said is useless?" Ji Guang asked.

The editor nodded: "It's equivalent to having no witnesses. If there are no witnesses to testify, he will be acquitted soon."

"Acquitted? Why? Both of them are suspected!" The girl was puzzled.

Director: "Acquitted due to insufficient evidence, that's how the law is."

(End of this chapter)

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