Chapter 740 There Will Be No Extra Moves
The verdict of guilt is never based on speculation, but on actual evidence.

This is a criminal case. Prosecutors will take the lead to find evidence, and finally a judge will decide whether he is guilty or not.

If the evidence produced by the prosecutor is rejected one by one and becomes invalid evidence, the case may become unsolved and the two suspects will be acquitted.

"Among them... who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie?" The girl was distressed.

The middle-aged male artist asked: "Isn't there a lie detector?"

The director shook his head: "You forget that all the cases are adapted from real cases. In the Earl's case before, everyone was not equal in the era. But in this case, there is no lie detector."

The middle-aged male artist asked: "Was the lie detector not invented yet?"

Choreographer: "It may have been invented, but it hasn't been widely adopted yet."

Ji Guang's brows became tighter and tighter, and his voice was low: "May I ask a question?"

The director nodded: "Ask."

Ji Guang lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Since it is adapted from a real case, do you know what the final result of the real case is?"

The director nodded: "I know. I can also tell you generously that both of them were acquitted in the end."

The girl was shocked: "You mean that the murderer was not caught in the end?"

The director nodded: "Yes."

"The person died tragically in the toilet, and the murderer was not caught in the end?" the girl asked again, with disbelief in her eyes and obvious agitation.

The director sighed: "Yes."

The girl raised her voice and became even more excited: "Aren't those two people at the murder scene? One of the two is lying, and the liar must be the murderer. As long as the investigation continues, the murderer will be found! Both the police and the prosecutor What are you eating!"

The choreographer reached out and handed her a cup of tea.

The girl pushed away angrily: "I won't drink!"

Suddenly, the pushing hand stopped in the air. The girl seemed to have thought of something, and looked at everyone in surprise. She found that the eyes of Ji Guang, Xiao Taotie, the director, and the middle-aged male artist all became silent, with a look of confusion. thinking.

The girl herself fell into silence, thinking about something.

Members of the rock team: "Has everyone been pressed the pause button? Why don't you talk?"

The girl looked at the director and asked, "Why did you serve them tea?"

The director touched the police cap, "Finally someone noticed this."

The director straightened his hat, "I'm a policeman now, not a director, I'm going to enter the role."

Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

The lights dimmed, and when the lights came back on again, the policeman sat in front of a table, opposite a small policeman.

The policeman checked the statement, handed it to the little policeman, and asked, "Did you find anything wrong?"

The little police officer looked it over and shook his head: "It's all like the real thing, and there's no flaw from the surface."

The policeman pointed to the teacup on the table, "Did you take this lesson when you were in the police academy?"

The little police officer nodded: "Since we entered the interrogation room, every action was not superfluous, so Master, you handed them tea, is it a deliberate act? Are you testing them?"

The policeman nodded: "I witnessed the murder with my own eyes, and I was the only witness. No one would have the time to savor the tea carefully, and they were so particular that they couldn't tolerate any unsightly floating tea leaves."

The little police officer was thoughtful, "Master, what you mean is that the young man... lied?"

(End of this chapter)

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