Chapter 767
Just when all the audience held their breath and waited for the next screen, the advertisement popped up suddenly!

"D state grilled chicken, the emperor is full of praise after eating it!" Wang Yilun was wearing a golden dragon robe, holding a chicken leg in his hand, with a trace of chicken on the corner of his mouth.

The screen changed suddenly, and it turned into an airplane filled with braised chicken in D state. The airplane flew on a world map, with a banner: Sold overseas, the best chicken in the world, you deserve it!

The picture changes again, take a large oil pan, put in the colored chicken and deep-fry until it is golden yellow and shimmering, then remove and drain the oil.

Put the fried chicken in layers in the cooking pot, put the spice bag, add old soup, ginger, salt and soy sauce, add water to submerge the chicken body, press iron grates and stones to prevent the chicken body from floating in the soup.

Boil with high heat first, then simmer with low heat, and simmer for 3 to 4 hours.

When it comes out of the pot, first remove the stones and the iron grate. The chef hooks the iron hook on the neck of the chicken with one hand and the strainer with the other. With the help of the buoyancy of the soup, the chicken is fished out, trying to keep the chicken body intact.Clean the chicken body with a fine brush and let it dry for a while.

The chef left, leaving the grilled chicken alone.

A small head sneaked in and looked up. It was Little Taotie wearing sensory ears and horns. She blinked and her sensory ears trembled. Her eyes locked on the braised chicken hanging there. The big eyes are flickering, and there is a suspicious crystal at the corner of the mouth.

The little girl looked around and sensed that her ears were drooping on the left side and on the right side, and then they all stood up vigilantly.

After making sure that there was no one around, she tiptoed close to the braised chicken, it was too high, she stood on tiptoe to reach it, and she couldn't reach it with her short hands.

Two fluffy little ears drooped down, dejected.

Suddenly, a braised chicken appeared in front of him.

Little Taotie raised his head in disbelief, and smiled gently at Shang Jiguang.

Originally, the audience was depressed because of the rustic style in the first half of the advertisement. When they saw the chef making the grilled chicken in the middle, they checked the time. It was past nine o'clock.

They wanted to get away from the TV and get something to eat, just to avoid the commercial time, thinking that when they came back, the commercial would be over, but just as they stood up, they saw the little glutton sneaking around. He looked like a little greedy cat, so he sat back down again.

Ji Guang's fans frantically took pictures of the screen and screamed in the fan group: 【Brother is so handsome! 】

【So gentle! 】

【Hahaha, the temptation of wolf ears~~~】

【It's obviously a wild wolf, but when it comes to our brother, it becomes a gentle brother wolf! 】

【Brother is a sheep among wolves, a sheep in wolf's clothing! 】

[My brother is so gentle and handsome when he smiles like this! 】

[I've already taken a picture of this smile, it's already my phone screen saver! 】

Little Taotie tore it lightly, and the chicken leg was torn off.

She didn't eat it first, but stretched out her hand to Ji Guang's mouth, the small dimples were shallow, and her big eyes stared at him, waiting for him to take a bite.

[For a glutton who protects food, it is not easy to share the first bite of food! 】

【Zai Zai suits this outfit so well! 】

[I've wanted Zai Zai to wear this outfit a long time ago and act like a gluttonous beast! 】

[Is this an advertisement? 】

[I almost forgot, this is an advertisement! 】

[Hahaha, watching an advertisement can make me happy like this, amazing! 】

Xiao Taotie's fan base also exploded, and everyone posted their screenshots one after another, especially the little Taotie looking around, with his little ears moving back and forth.

【Zai Zai is so cute! 】

[My computer screen saver and mobile phone screen saver are all from my family! 】

[Zizai is invincibly cute~ Wearing furry ears, so cute, I melted! 】

(End of this chapter)

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