Chapter 768

[Has anyone noticed that the little Taotie in the opening song is holding a chicken leg, which is the chicken leg of this grilled chicken? 】

【exactly!It was this one, the bone that hit Wang Yilun's head was the bone of this chicken, the identification was completed! 】

[Pfft, have you done an appraisal report on that bone? 】

There was a burst of jubilation in the group, and as the commercial came to an end, Ji Guang bit the chicken leg. It was just a bite, but in the end he snatched the whole chicken away!

[Hahaha, what a surprise! 】

[This turning point!God! 】

Ji Guang's fans: [This is our brother? 】

【elder brother?Since when did you become a foodie? 】

【Brother, didn’t you want to give the grilled chicken to Xiao Taotie, why did you grab the chicken leg and snatch the rest of the chicken! 】

In the advertisement, the little Taotie chased after him, and clenched his fists angrily!

There was a burst of punching and kicking in the cartoon picture, and there was a "whimper".

When the cartoon is gone, the little Taotie in the ad is sitting on a big wolf dog, gnawing on a grilled chicken, throwing the gnawed bone in front of the big wolf dog, and the big wolf dog is pitifully gnawing on the bone, while the little glutton is holding the last chicken leg Smiling: "Grilled chicken~ It's delicious! Hiccup!"

The screen turned and turned to the kitchen. There was a row of grilled chickens hanging in the kitchen, at least hundreds of them. At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and there was not a single one left!
The screen returns to Xiao Taotie's side, and there is only one chicken leg bone left in the little Taotie's hand. She throws the chicken leg bone in front of the big wolf dog, and the screen follows the falling chicken leg bone, and lands on a large pile of bones On the Internet, the whereabouts of nearly a hundred chickens have been found out, and the bones are here!
When the commercial was over, the audience felt unsatisfied.

When I saw commercials before, I wished they would end soon, but now when I see this kind of melodrama commercial, I just want to "Aww" and say: "One more! Please continue the serialization!"

[My stomach is growling! 】

[What brand is this braised chicken? 】

[Hua Guo time-honored brand! 】

[I'm going to buy it!God, I clicked on the shopping website, it was empty! 】

[Sister, you are too slow to act, I saw that the ad was shot by Xiao Taotie, so I immediately placed an order! 】

[Yeah, you are too slow, I bought a box! 】

[I bought ten boxes! 】

[Ten boxes?Is it too much? 】

[The food endorsed by Xiao Taotie is of guaranteed quality!Absolutely delicious!Ten boxes are not much, and there is not much left for relatives and friends!I only ate one of the oranges last time, and my relatives and friends snatched them away! 】

[Yes, yes, yes, Xiao Taotie's endorsement must be delicious. Last time I bought a bag of small twists, and I was just like you. I ate one myself, and my colleagues snatched it all away! 】

[Little gluttonous gourmet expert, have you watched "Who is the God of Cooking" recently? 】

[Looked at it, tomorrow is the next issue, right? 】

[Tomorrow it should be revealed how Cupid Chef Yu Chef advances! 】

[Didn’t the official say that in the first issue, Chef Yu made egg fried rice because he didn’t have any materials. It might not have been cooked well at the time. This time, Chef Yu’s egg fried rice in the second issue was released in the video. Everyone learned how to fry golden egg fried rice up! 】

【Who can give me a grilled chicken?I am willing to pay ten times the price!Please~]

[Impossible, stop dreaming! 】

[Hahaha, you better beg the merchants to let them produce more! 】

[Okay, I'll go to @商业! 】

The owner of D State Braised Chicken was watching a show, happily eating his own grilled chicken for supper, when suddenly the phone rang.

"Boss! Our warehouse is empty!"

The owner of D State Braised Chicken stood up in shock: "A thief has entered? Hurry up and call the police, adjust the monitoring!"

"No, no, it's sold out! What to do, all the goods are sold out online, and the goods we are going to send to major supermarkets tomorrow are gone! The supermarkets even called us to add more goods, I sent When I told them about the out-of-stock, they all got angry and said that it’s okay not to add more goods, but what should have been delivered must be delivered!”

The owner of D State Braised Chicken sat down, recalling the meaningful words of Xiao Taotie's manager: "Prepare enough goods, don't cause trouble of breach of contract at that time."

It's over, it's over, why didn't you listen!

Originally, I thought that there were so many goods in the warehouse that it was impossible for them to be sold out overnight, so there was no limit to the quantity of online shopping.

If the daily supply quantity agreed by the supermarket cannot be delivered tomorrow morning, it will be a breach of contract!
The owner of Dzhou Braised Chicken wiped off his sweat, wanting to cry but no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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