Chapter 769 Let's make the slogan come true

The boss of D State Braised Chicken was about to make a phone call to apologize one by one, and when he paid for the breach of contract fee, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, the owner of D State Braised Chicken answered the phone and was about to apologize, but there was no angry tone on the other end of the phone, but a flattering tone.

"It doesn't matter if your goods are too late to supply to our supermarket. Just wait for the production to be replenished. I called to add an order."

The owner of Dzhou Braised Chicken dizzily agreed, hung up the phone, and the phone rang again.

It's another call from a large supermarket.

"Haha, I haven't contacted you for a long time. It's all with your subordinates. How are you recently?"

D state grilled chicken boss dizzy: "I'm fine..."

"I didn't expect you to be able to invite Xiao Taotie to shoot an advertisement. We don't know how many times our group has invited her, but she was politely rejected. It can be seen that the quality and taste of your grilled chicken are excellent!"

The owner of the grilled chicken in D state blushed: "Thank you for the compliment, I didn't expect that little Taotie would like our grilled chicken."

"I heard from the people under your command that your warehouse is sold out, so you can't supply us tomorrow?"


The other party interrupted: "What a big deal, don't apologize! It's okay!"

"I still broke the contract, and I will pay liquidated damages—"

The other party interrupted again: "Why pay for it! What a hurtful relationship! We still have to reach a long-term cooperation, and you didn't cause all this on purpose! If you are really sorry, why don't you give us more money?"

The owner of Dzhou Braised Chicken dizzy agreed again.

Just hung up the phone, the phone rang again, just hung up the phone, the phone rang again...

The owner of Dzhou Braised Chicken was dizzy, he was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses, scratched his head vigorously, and grabbed a handful of hair.

The breach of contract was settled, and he didn't need to lose money, but why did he let them go?

One supermarket adds 50% of the quantity, another supermarket adds 20% of the quantity, and one supermarket is even more ruthless, directly asking for double the quantity... Hundreds of cooperative points need to increase the quantity. After all, which factory can produce?
The boss of Braised Chicken in D State clicks to open the company's working capital balance, and there is no need to pay liquidated damages. How about a large ticket?Open another factory?Do not!Open five more factories!

This little money... doesn't seem to be enough!

The phone rang again, and he was a little panicked, afraid that he was coming to increase the amount again.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be Xiao Taotie's manager, Cheng Dong, who is also the leader in the agricultural industry.

"Hello, Cheng Dong, hello."

Cheng Guodong laughed: "I heard that your stock is out of stock. Obviously you didn't listen to my advice. My sister's ability to carry goods is not what you can supply!"

The owner of Dzhou grilled chicken poured out his bitterness, and told him that he cut off the supply and was frightened and wanted to lose money. Instead, he was flattered by his partners and vaguely agreed to increase the quantity.

Hearing this, Cheng Guodong laughed again: "To your subordinates, they will definitely show face, but to you, they don't dare, they are still waiting for you to send them braised chicken and let's make money together. Naturally, they want to please you , I don’t dare to ask for your compensation, I’m afraid that if you accept your compensation, you won’t cooperate with them.”

The owner of D State Braised Chicken is helpless: "I'm still not experienced in the world. My father gave me the company and went to travel around the world by myself. I don't care about anything. I was blind all the way."

Cheng Guodong was surprised: "You don't need to lose money, you shouldn't be troubled anymore. From your tone, it seems that you are still very troubled?"

The boss of D State Braised Chicken is bitter: "I vaguely agreed to increase the amount, but after looking back, my factory can't do this amount at all. I have to open another factory. It's not enough to open one factory, at least five factories. But the liquidity in hand..."

"It's a small matter, I invest in you! Didn't the advertisement go out? It's sold overseas. You deserve it! Then let this slogan come true!"

"Ah?" The owner of D State Braised Chicken was both surprised and delighted, but also a little uneasy and apprehensive: "That's just a bragging sentence... can it really be done?"

Cheng Guodong smiled: "You have to have confidence in yourself. Even if you don't have confidence in your ancestral craftsmanship, you should have confidence in me, you should have confidence in my sister! My sister's popularity overseas is actually more popular than in China!"

(End of this chapter)

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