Chapter 792
At the end of the opening song, it was a stormy night. Ten masked men in black appeared on the rural road, and ten of them walked towards a courtyard with big knives in their hands.

The moonlight shone on the blade of the big knife, and the sharpness and cold light were dazzling.

"Clap clap clap..."

The courtyard door was knocked violently.

Yang Lusi appeared in the same village girl dress as in the variety show.

For fear of disturbing the children in the house, Aunt Yang closed the door tightly. She didn't have time to put on the coir raincoat to keep out the rain, so she hurried to the courtyard door and asked cautiously before opening the door, "Who is it?"

What responded to her was a more violent knock on the door, "Kang Bang Bang..." It was more like knocking on the door with something.

The man in black outside the door slammed the door hard with the handle of a knife, as if he had lost his patience, and when he raised his foot to kick the door, the door opened.

Aunt Yang saw ten people holding big knives, took a step back tremblingly, and asked, "Who... are you looking for?"

No one answered her, the big knife was raised in the dark night, and the cold light was frightening.

Village girl Yang fell to the ground and was almost beheaded by a knife.

"Woof, woof, woof!" Two big dogs in the yard rushed out.

Seeing the hostess sitting on the ground, the two big dogs decided that the person who came was a villain, and rushed up to bite.

The ten people swung their big knives and hacked the two big dogs to death on the spot, bloody and bloody.

The two big dogs bought time for Yang Cungu to escape. Yang Cungu rushed into the room, picked up the youngest Xiaoliu, and woke up Dalang Erlang Saburo.

Dalang carried his fourth sister on his back, and Sanlang carried his fifth brother on his back. Aunt Yang Cun didn't have time to say anything, she just said that there were bandits coming in and she had to run away quickly.

They had just arrived at the window and were about to climb out of the window when the door was kicked open, and ten people rushed in with big knives dripping with blood.

Erlang took the small wooden sword his father had made for him and charged forward, shouting, "Run!"

But he, a little Douding, was no match at all, and was cut off by a big knife as soon as he rushed forward, holding his right hand holding the small wooden sword.

"Erlang!" Aunt Yang screamed.

Da Lang put down the fourth younger sister who had woken up, coaxed her to follow his mother quickly, turned around and picked up a pair of sharp scissors and rushed forward, "Mother, hurry up!"

Seeing that the fifth brother woke up in a daze, San Lang pushed towards the fourth sister, "Protect him." After speaking, he also picked up a wooden sword and rushed out.

Dalang Erlang Saburo were both children and were not opponents at all, but he had learned some superficial kung fu from his father who was a soldier, and barely blocked a little time.

With tears in her eyes, Village Aunt Yang hugged Xiao Liu in one hand and Xiao Si in the other, and climbed out of the window with Xiao Wu on her back.

She looked back and saw the scene of Da Lang being beheaded, her legs gave way and she fell out of the window.

Goro fell to the ground, he was still in a dazed state of just waking up, and had no idea what happened.

The fourth sister shouted: "Brother!"

In that scene just now, her eyes were stained red with blood.

She clearly saw that her eldest brother's head fell to the ground, his eyes were round, and his mouth was still saying: "Go!"

Aunt Yang Cun got up from the ground and fell into a mess, but she didn't care to tidy up. She threw Wu Lang who fell on the ground onto her back, hugged Xiao Liu in one hand, and Xiao Si in the other, and ran wildly in the rainy night.

The rain wet the road ahead and wet her eyelashes.

She couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her face, and the road ahead became blurred.

The muddy ground was wet and slippery, and she almost fell down, but thinking of the three children on her body, she stabilized her body every time, did not fall, and kept running forward with strong will.

There is light in front, which is the courtyard of the village head.

But before she ran to the village chief's courtyard for help, she was surrounded by ten people.

The four people in front blocked the way, the two behind were staring at each other, the two on the left, and the two on the right, there was no room to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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