Chapter 793
The audience watched Goro on her back being taken away by one person.

The man held the child high and threatened that if he resisted, he would strangle the child to death on the spot.

Wulang cried loudly, but he cried, "Leave me alone! Go!"

How could Aunt Yang not care?

When this child was sent to her, it was just a baby waiting to be fed. Although it was an adopted child, it was like a parent.

She knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

Seeing her kneeling on the ground holding the two baby girls and not letting go, the other nine people showed unkindness in their eyes, and one of them stepped forward and kicked her on the back, snatching the two baby girls away.

On the TV screen, the memories of ten people appeared.

It was an incomparably rich carriage inlaid with jewels. A slender hand stretched out from inside the carriage, revealing a face with upturned eyes and an unparalleled charm.

The woman looked at the ten people from above, "There is no need to keep any of the six little bastards. As for that woman, she is quite beautiful. If you are interested, you can play with her. Don't let her die too easily."

The curtain of the carriage fell, and ten people knelt on the ground and responded, "I obey."

The rain soaked the village girl's clothes, and the wet clothes stuck to her body to outline her figure.

The ten people who had no interest in a village girl looked at each other, and remembered the orders of the high-ranking daughter of the Hou Mansion.

One of them raised her chin with the back of a knife, revealing that pear-blossom face full of tears, fragile yet pitiful.

Sexual desire is big.


It was impossible for the ten people who listened to the order and the daughter of the Marquis Mansion to let go of the three children. They grabbed the children and ran to the edge of the cliff, pretending to throw them down.

In the night rain, she was threatened and abused in order to protect her three children.

The picture was not captured, but the man's laughter and the woman's screams were faintly heard.

But anyone watching TV knows what happened to this poor village girl.


She lay miserably on the ground, but those people did not let go of the three children. They chopped off the necks of the three children in front of her and threw them into the cliff.

She stumbled and reached out to save the child, but she lost her balance and fell into the cliff.

Ten people stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

One person frowned: "Is it dead? Is it alive?"

"Tsk, such a high mountain, can you still live?"

"I'm afraid that if Fu Daming survives, our mission will fail."

"Go down and look for it?"

"What do you look for? Even if you know martial arts, you can't survive, let alone a weak girl."

"Then how do you report back when you go back?"

"Just say kill it, it's dead."

The ten people looked at each other and reached a consensus.


The sun shines on the cliff, and there is a crooked tree growing on the cliff, and a woman in messy clothes hangs on it.

The glare of the sun woke her up from a coma, and what happened last night seemed like a nightmare.

She looked around, and after knowing her situation, her face turned pale, and she was so distressed that she couldn't breathe.

"Everything... is not a dream, not a dream..."

She didn't dare to move, the crooked tree made a creaking sound, as if it might break at any moment.

She didn't know how long she had been hung on a crooked tree in the sun, and in a daze, she heard a conversation between an old man and a child.

"Master, look, there is a person hanging there!"

"You read it wrong, how could there be someone on the cliff?"

"It's true, Master, look quickly, it's a person!"

"Eh? He really is a person!"

"Master, shall we save him?"

"I'm old as a teacher, go by yourself."

"Master, my lightness kung not enough."

"Tsk, now I know I'm useless? I need to work hard on weekdays!"

"I got it! Master, hurry up and save people, if you leave it in the sun, you might become a human!"

"Tsk, it's really unlucky to come out to pick a medicine, and there are many burdens."

(End of this chapter)

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