Chapter 799 This color is not good for men

The bodyguard Shengnan followed Xiao Taotie all the way, seeing that she first went to meet with the director to get a copy, and then went to a cake shop to sit down and wait for someone.

Sheng Nan sent the news to Cheng Guodong and the others, and the four breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Taotie is wearing a mask, cartoon cat ears glasses, and a sun hat. His little feet are dangling around, and he holds a beautiful little cake in his hand. He took off the outer layer of mask while no one was looking, and the inner layer There is a big hole in the mask, open the hole and eat the cake.

Little did they know that she was even more curious about eating the cake in such a sneaky way, and was followed by many people.

After waiting for a while, the glass door was opened, and a young man with a backpack, a black suit and a black hat ran in from the outside.

The young man obviously stayed up late for a long time, with big bags and dark circles under his eyes.

Little Taotie was so hungry that he finished a plate of small cakes in a short time, and just about to order another plate, he saw a man in black clothes, black hat and black backpack walking towards him.

She looked down at her phone.

Bald-headed farmer: I have black clothes, black hat and black backpack.

Little Taotie asked: "The bald code farmer?"

"Remove the word bald and just call me a code farmer."

Little Taotie said in a childish voice, "Brother Ma Nong, how are you?"

Little Taotie saw the bouquet of flowers blooming on his head, and knew that he was kind, liked him very much, and was a good person, so he put down his vigilance.

As soon as the code farmer sat down, he noticed that many eyes around him were secretly looking at him. He was afraid that they would recognize Xiao Taotie. Before the chair was warmed up, he stood up and said, "Let's go, let's move to another place."

Little Taotie: "..." I want to order a small cake!

Seeing the little girl staring at the small cakes on other people's tables, the code farmer laughed: "Let's pack it!"

The code farmer went to the glass cabinet and pointed to a big cake, "Is it in stock?"

"Sorry, big cakes are reserved."

The code farmer was slightly disappointed and sighed: "Then change to a smaller one."

The phone in the store rang suddenly, and the waiter said hello, "Sorry, I'll answer the call."

"Ah? Are you sure you don't want cake? We won't refund the deposit!"

"OK then."

The waiter hung up the phone and asked, "Sir, do you still want this cake? The reserved guests don't want it."

The code farmer nodded quickly: "Yes, yes! Pack it now!"

Actually today is his birthday.

But early in the morning, the girlfriend proposed to break up.

But it doesn't matter, it's also very happy to celebrate your birthday with Zai Zai!

girlfriend or something!Bald people don't deserve it!
He would have preferred a bottle of wine.

The code farmer sighed weakly.

The code farmer took the packed big cake and walked in front, and the little Taotie happily followed behind him, asking: "Brother code farmer, why do you want to eat a big cake? You only eat big cakes on birthdays!"

The code farmer pursed his lips and sighed: "Today is my birthday."

Little Taotie stopped suddenly.

The code farmer looked back: "Why did you stop?"

Little Taotie looked around and found a shopping mall not far away, "Wait! I'll be right back!"

The code farmer wanted to catch up, but Zai Zai ran too fast!

He chased to the entrance of the shopping mall, there were too many people, he lost his direction, and didn't know where Zai Zai went.

Little Taotie walked and looked all the way, thinking about what gift to prepare for Brother Ma Nong, when he passed by a hat shop, he saw a beautiful hat.

"I want to buy this hat." The little milk said softly.

The waiter stood behind the counter and didn't see anyone at first, but when he looked down, he saw a small person.

"Did you wear it yourself?"

"I gave it to a brother."

"Give it away? It seems that this color is not good for men."

(End of this chapter)

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