Chapter 800 A Surprise Birthday Gift?

In the octagonal gazebo in the park, Ma Nong put the cake on the stone table and lit a candle.

Little Taotie sat on the stone bench, looked at the lit candles with his hands on his chin, and asked, "Brother, are you one year old?"

The code farmer sighed: "I don't want to know how old I am."

People in their thirties have failed in their careers and lost their girlfriends.

What a failure.

The whole life is gloomy.

Little Taotie doesn't understand adults, smelling the cake, he just wants to eat the cake.

"What flavor is this?" Xiao Taotie asked.

The code farmer shook his head: "I don't know, someone else returned it, and I bought it because I saw it looked good."

The snow-white cake is covered with cream, and various fruits are spread on the cream.

You never know what it tastes like until you cut it open.

Just like life now, I don't know what to do next.

The code farmer took the plastic knife and cut the cake.

"Wow!" Xiao Taotie clapped his hands, "It's a chocolate cake embryo! There's cherry jam in it!"

"Brother Ma Nong, you haven't blown out the candle to make a wish yet, why did you cut it open, hurry up and make a wish!"

The code farmer shook his head: "It doesn't matter, the wish I made will not come true, I don't believe it for a long time." He casually blew out the candle, pulled out the candle, continued to cut the cake, cut a large piece and put it on the plate Li handed it to Xiao Taotie, "Eat more."

Little Taotie nodded, took the cake, and was about to dig the cake with a spoon to eat, when he thought of something, he mysteriously took out a beautiful cardboard box from his backpack and handed it over, "Brother Ma Nong, happy birthday!"

Code Nong was very surprised, he did not expect Xiao Taotie to prepare a gift for him.

Thinking of the little Taotie who ran out shortly after standing at the entrance of the shopping mall, thinking about it now, she must have gone in to buy this gift, right?
"Thank you, it's a good thing I have Zai Zai to accompany me on this birthday, otherwise I would be alone."

"Brother Ma Nong, hurry up and open Dai Dai to see. The cashier sister said that if you don't like it, you can return it if you don't remove the label."

"As long as you give it to me, I'll like it—" Opening the box, the coder's voice stopped abruptly.

Green and oily!
The code farmer suspected that he was wrong, rubbed his eyes, and looked again, it was still green!
Little Taotie smiled: "Brother Ma Nong, isn't it pretty? Do you like it?"

The code farmer smiled bitterly: "...I like it."

Little Taotie grinned and showed his white teeth: "Green grass grows best. Wear a green hat, and your hair will grow like green grass all over your head, dense and vigorous! You can get rid of the trouble of baldness." Already!"

thank you!The corner of Ma Nong's mouth twitched, with tears in his heart, he nodded: "...Okay, the meaning is very good."

Little Taotie urged: "Hurry up and put it on and have a look. If it's too big or too small, you can change it!"

I want to change the color!The code farmer looked into the shining eyes of the little girl, but without saying a word, he could only sigh and nodded: "Okay."

Take off the original black hat, revealing the Mediterranean Sea.

Little Taotie stared with wide eyes.


The code farmer quickly put on the cuckold, crying in his heart.

"How is it?" asked the code farmer.

Little Taotie quickly nodded his head and raised his thumb: "Handsome! Looks good!"

The tears in the code farmer's heart soared.

The feeling of wearing a cuckold for myself is really uncomfortable.

The code farmer wanted to take it off and change it back, but Xiao Taotie looked at him suspiciously, "Don't you like it?"

"……I like."

"Then why take it off?"

"...I like it so much, I don't want to wear it, for fear of getting it dirty."

"Haha, do you like it so much? I'll buy you a few more hats of the same type so that you can change them!"

"...That's not necessary."

The code farmer coughed lightly: "Hurry up, eat the cake."

Little Taotie's attention was shifted to the cake, he dug a big spoonful, took a big mouthful, and narrowed his eyes happily, "Okay, good, good~~~"

Taking advantage of her inattention, the code farmer quickly took off his hat and replaced it with his own black hat, feeling relieved.

The code farmer had a poor appetite and only ate a small piece.

He witnessed with his own eyes that Xiao Taotie is a real big eater, and he ate up all the 20-inch big cakes!

The code farmer was a little worried: "Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to eat so much? Isn't it greasy?"

Little Taotie rubbed his stomach and shook his head: "It's not uncomfortable, it's delicious, the chocolate flavor is a bit bitter, not greasy, and the cherry sauce is sour and sweet."

The code farmer's eyes were fixed on her stomach. After eating so much, her stomach was still flat!
The code farmer asked in a strange way: "Is it not full yet?"

Little Taotie raised his head to look at him, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "Yes, how do you know?"


The code farmer coughed dryly: "It will be time for the lunch market in one hour. I know there is a good buffet restaurant near here. I will take you there later."

Little Taotie cheered, but found the hard copy in his backpack, stopped his smile, and said with a serious face: "No hurry, no hurry, I've already stuffed my stomach and I'm not hungry anymore. Let's talk about business?"

(End of this chapter)

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