Chapter 813 The Newcomer Award Has Been Secured

"After winning the award, you may not necessarily have depth, because there are too many internal operations, but to the outside world, you are not a vase, but a powerful faction."

"What do you mean by internal operations?"

"Some actors have acted in a lot of dramas in a year. They may be a model worker in the industry. They have gained a lot of presence in a year. It's like speculation. They won a drama. This drama is very popular, and her acting If the role of the actor is also popular, he is likely to be awarded a Best Supporting Actor Award. You say this person's acting skills are good? Why are other plays not popular? You say this person's acting skills are not good, but he is still popular. "

"...Oh, that's it." Little Taotie nodded his head half-understanding.

Chen Zi patted her head, "Go to the bathroom."

"But I don't want to go to the toilet."

"Just pretend, Jin Yin is watching."

Little Taotie looked over and saw Jin Yin showing a bright smile to her.

Little Taotie nodded and walked towards the toilet.

When the little girl went in to go to the toilet, Chen Zi exhaled and looked up at the sky.

My conscience hurts a little.

It seems that I...are spoiling a cub.

In fact, I have been very restrained. For example, the word "internal operation" did not mention the dark side, but only mentioned some speculative elements, or the metaphor of a model worker winning a sympathy award, and other unsightly secret transactions But not a single word was revealed.

Chen Zi's phone rang.

Caller ID - Boss!

"How is it, is Jin Yin okay?"

Chen Zi smiled and said: "He should like Xiao Taotie very much, he can't hide the love in his eyes."

"Yes, I actually found it from the fan group."

"The bodyguard found in the fan group? Professional?"

"Professional. He was a mercenary in the triangle area. He was seriously injured and returned home to recuperate. Now that he has this job, he doesn't want to go to the original place to work hard. He has seen blood and has real skills."

"How could he be Xiao Taotie's fan?" Chen Zi was puzzled.

"Fans attracted by video No. 3."

Chen Zi was stunned: "If it is the fans attracted by the No. 3 video, then I will believe it."

"The war in the No. 3 video, and the final global cooperation, are actually what the people in the war zone yearn for."

Hearing this, Chen Zi lowered his eyes: "It's a bit chaotic outside."

Cheng Guodong sighed: "Yes, I originally wanted to take advantage of the No. 3 video to let my sister develop overseas, but now the situation outside is not clear, so I canceled this plan."

"You won't be going abroad for a short time, will you?"

"Before she is ten years old, she may not arrange to go abroad to receive the announcement."

Chen Zi regretted: "Four years have been a long time, by then the limelight of the No. 3 video will have long passed, and everything will have to start from scratch."

"There is no other way, safety first."

"Then the domestic development is still the first goal?"

"That's it."

"Boss, I have an idea."

"You said."

"The newcomer award at the end of the year, how is it going to work, let Xiao Taotie win an award?"

Cheng Guodong was silent for a moment, and frowned: "Operation? No need, my sister can get it by her own strength."

Chen Zi was helpless: "Boss is new to this industry, so he doesn't know how deep the water is. Many times, even if you have the strength, what should belong to you will not belong to you because of other people's operations."

Cheng Guodong said in a deep voice: "I know, what belongs to my sister belongs to my sister, and no one can take it away! I will arrange everything!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Zi heaved a sigh of relief.

With the words of the boss, Little Taotie's newcomer award at the end of the year should be stable. She is indeed very outstanding this year. It would be a pity if someone else took away what should belong to her.

(End of this chapter)

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