Chapter 814 Playing a Little Dark Horse
Little Taotie reluctantly went to the toilet once, ran out happily after washing his little hands, and asked, "How can I win the prize?"

"You entered everyone's attention at the end of last year and entered the entertainment industry, but it was already the end of the year, and it was not easy to give you awards. Your performance in the entertainment industry actually takes a whole year from the beginning of this year to the end of this year. Only by summarizing can you be rated. Based on your current development, as long as you maintain it and your appearance rate does not decrease, you should be able to get a newcomer award at the end of the year."

"Really?" Little Taotie's eyes sparkled, he jumped up and down on the spot: "What reward can I get?"

"A trophy."

"Inedible..." Little Taotie's eyes darkened, and he lacked a bit of interest.

"It may not be possible to get it." Chen Zi sighed: "Maybe there will be a dark horse at the end of the year. Regardless of everyone's mediocre performance in the first half of the year, you are one of the better ones, but there will always be many surprises at the end of the year."

"Dark horse?"

"It came out suddenly, which is very surprising. It looks ordinary at first, but it has accumulated a lot and has a strong explosive power."

Little Taotie lowered his head, he likes little white beasts and white horses, so he doesn't want No.1 dark horse!
"Don't be discouraged, there will be dark horses coming out every year, but they may not necessarily win the prize. Sometimes the one that comes out suddenly may not be the best. The popularity accumulated in the first half of the year is not so easy to surpass."

"Then what shall I do?"

"Keep the status quo. Judging from the prospects of the Space-Time Demon Management Bureau, this year will be a state with high ratings, but we can't just rely on this one. After all, this is a variety show, and the gold content is not high. We still need to have more brilliant. The film and television works should be improved."

Chen Zi remembered the movie mentioned by the director. The director said that Xiao Taotie was very repulsive, he didn't like the little fox, and he didn't want to act in it. The agent Cheng Dong had the attitude of Xiao Taotie not wanting to act if he didn't want to act, but the director said it was A good opportunity, maybe a prize.

Chen Zi also felt that Xiao Taotie didn't like it if he didn't like it, and it didn't matter whether he acted or not.

But because the director's sentence can win the award, he hesitated.

This year, Xiao Taotie has maintained a level that has not declined, so he should be able to secure the Newcomer Award.But will other kids be dark horses when they take on the role?
Although there is a boss escorting him, no one can take away the little Taotie's award, but the meaning of the boss's words is also obvious, if it is not the little Taotie's, he will not go for it, everything depends on the little Taotie's own strength.

Chen Zi thought for a while, squatted down and looked at the little Taotie, and asked, "You really don't want to play the role recommended by the director?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, a little dazed.

"It's the role of little fox."

Little Taotie remembered, and shook his head resolutely: "I don't like foxes, I don't want to act!"

Seeing the disgust in the little Taotie's eyes, Chen Zi understood that the little girl really didn't like foxes.

But he doesn't like foxes either!
After all, when he was a child, he was always called a fox behind his back, calling him cunning like a fox!
Chen Zi sighed: "This opportunity is very good, if someone else plays it, it is very likely to become a dark horse."

Little Taotie didn't waver, "Anyway, I won't act."

"What if it's not a fox?"

"Not a fox?" Little Taotie tilted his head: "Yes."

Chen Zi smiled mischievously and said, "Let me suggest that I change it to a dark horse and play a little dark horse?"

shock! ! !
Little Taotie's eyes widened.

Seeing that she was frightened, Chen Zi laughed, pinched her chubby face, "I'm teasing you!"

(End of this chapter)

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