Chapter 815

Little Taotie's eyes widened, a little angry!
"Don't tease you, don't be angry!"

Chen Zi rubbed her little head soothingly, "It feels so good!"

Little Taotie became even more angry, clenched his fists, turned his back and ignored him.

You can't hit people!You can't hit people!
Little Taotie held back his petty temper and moaned, "Bad guy! Don't be angry, I'm not angry..."

Seeing that the little girl had coaxed himself well, Chen Zi wanted to laugh, so he tried his best to hold back.

During these days of getting along, he also understood the little girl's character more or less. She is a very good-tempered little girl. Sometimes she wants to play a little temper, but she can bear it.

But it also depends on the person, like me, it seems that it is not worthy of the little girl's anger, the little girl will not really play with her temper, but the boss, the little girl will play the temper, maybe because of the closeness?
She only acts coquettishly and plays temper with those close to her, revealing her true nature.

She is a vigilant little girl.

Chen Zi asked softly: "I don't like little black horses, and I don't like little foxes, so what do you like? Little Taotie?"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, he turned around, stared at Chen Zi with those big bright eyes, and didn't speak, as if he was afraid of being bullied by Chen Zi again.

"I really don't want to tease you anymore." Chen Zi was a little helpless, seeing vigilance in the eyes of the little girl.

Wasn't it just a joke?
Which adult doesn't want to tease a cute child?

Forget it, let’s get rid of this bad habit in the future, otherwise the little girl will be really angry, and maybe she will change herself. I like this assistant position very much, with less work, freedom, no one to care about, and more money !

In the office, it sounds like the job rank is high, but there is still a No. 1 in charge and restraint.

It's different around Xiao Taotie, Xiao Taotie doesn't care about himself, he doesn't restrain himself, he is quite free.

When Xiao Taotie is filming, I follow Xiao Taotie, and when Xiao Taotie is not working, I also have a rest day!
Chen Zi asked, "Do you want to play Little Taotie?"

Little Taotie blinked, expecting, and a little worried, and whispered: "Is it okay?"

"It may be a bit difficult. After all, Taotie is very powerful. A small beast that is too powerful may be different from the story, which will bring a lot of pressure to the screenwriter of the adaptation. It is not a good thing to bring your own screenwriter into the team, and you will be disgusted, so I It is not recommended to do this, it is better to use the original screenwriter of the crew, and you can send a big red envelope, after all, it is the screenwriter who has worked hard for us to propose amendments."

Little Taotie nodded his head half-understood, and understood one thing in his mind, he wanted to change to Little Taotie, the screenwriter was very hard, and he had to increase his salary and food!
"If we can't talk, is it okay to play something else?"

Little Taotie was a little embarrassed, "What to play?"

"Cute, besides little gluttonous, what else do you want to play?"

"For nothing." Little Taotie thought for a while: "Little rabbit?"

"The little rabbit is too weak, and the eyes are red. You may need to wear contact lenses when shooting, which is not good for your eyes."

"Then... can a little white lion be used?" Little Taotie asked cautiously.

"This is not bad! I'll discuss it."


Chen Zi found him when the director was alone.

The director was surprised: "Didn't you say you won't act?"

Chen Zi: "I won't play the little fox, but I can change it to something else."

Difficult for the director: "They only lack the role of the little fox."

"What I mean is, can you replace the little fox with a little lion or something like that. Zizai doesn't like foxes, so if you change it to another animal, you can shoot it."

(End of this chapter)

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