Chapter 902 The Doll Is Walking

The big turtle climbed onto the beach, with a little doll sitting on its back.

This scene made tourists playing on the beach frantically shoot.

[Friend, the photo you just posted is yours, right? 】

【No, it's true! 】

[Wow, the photos in your circle of friends are so cool, what a big sea turtle! 】

【This doll looks familiar, does it look like...】

[Like cubs!It looks so good! 】

[It's a handmade doll. I saw it was sold online, and it's quite expensive. 】

[She is sitting on the turtle, so obedient and cute, but her eyes are a little dull. 】

[Toy, your eyes are moving, so I ask you if you are afraid? 】

[The doll is too realistic, if the eyes are smart, it will be a bit scary...]

[Ghost doll, find out. 】

[Don't be scary, okay? 】

[The doll I... photographed is different from the doll photographed in this photo!fear! ! ! 】

[Look at the picture jpg. Look at the picture jpg.] [Just ask you, is it scary or not?In the two pictures, the posture of the little doll is different!One is sitting and the other is standing! 】

[You people like to make a fuss about nothing, obviously it's a posing!All the joints of this doll can be moved, so what's so strange about taking a photo in a different pose?Someone must have put it on the turtle, just to attract attention. 】

[No, no one! 】

[Look, someone captured the video! 】

[Short video mp4.] [Look, watch the video, it stood up by itself, the doll stood up by itself, from sitting on the back of the turtle to standing on the back of the turtle, the doll stood up by itself! 】

【Scary, ghost doll? 】

[Everyone, don't scare yourself, okay?It's a high-tech age now, please don't be so stupid, it's obvious that this doll has been modified, there must be a machine installed in the body, someone remotely pressed the remote control button, which can make the doll stand up and sit down. 】

[It seems to make sense? 】

[Now that robots can make sliced ​​noodles, what's so special about a doll standing up? 】

[My nephew's robot can also transform into a car by itself! 】

After a commotion on the Internet, it turned into a chorus of sighs, and everyone felt that the person who released the photos and videos made too much fuss and made a fuss over a molehill.


Little Taotie stood on the beach and waved vigorously at the big turtle.

Although the tortoise was big and frightening, she was still a good tortoise and sent her to the shore.

She told Guigui that when she returned to her body, she would come to him with the most delicious fish and shrimp, and thank him and the dolphins for their help.

Until the tortoise could no longer be seen on the sea, the little baby turned around and walked on the beach step by step.

It was so difficult to walk on the beach, the little doll walked very seriously, looking down at the road, afraid that she would trip over the shells.

What used to be a small shell is now a big obstacle for her.

"Mom, look, the doll is walking by itself!" The child who piled up the sand pointed at the little Taotie and shouted.

The child's mother didn't take it seriously, looked around, and said calmly: "Isn't your doll also able to walk? Someone should be taking pictures near here, don't go near that."

The child nodded and giggled: "My King Kong can also turn into a car!"

People on the beach didn't take the walking doll seriously, they just thought it was someone using a remote control to control it.

Little Taotie is actually a little scared, afraid that everyone will arrest her and study her.

But she walked out of the beach area, and no one caught her.

The little baby tilted her head, her eyes were full of doubts, and she quickened her pace to run. After leaving the beach, she could find some paths and places to hide to avoid the sight of the crowd.

Fortunately, she is a cub who knows her way.

On weekdays, there was no one on the road, so she avoided several people. Seeing that there was no one at the bus stop, she got on the bus when it was empty and hid under the last chair.

There were more and more people in the car, and no one noticed the doll under the chair in the back seat.

The bus drove to the terminal and stopped, and all the passengers got off the bus. After the driver also got off, Xiao Taotie got out from under the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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