Chapter 903 Disciple, Master is gone
Little Taotie blinked, got out of the car, and walked on the way home.

"it's wired……"

"I always feel that the way home is too smooth..."

The little baby was walking on the avenue, looking around, but saw no passers-by.

Even during working hours on weekdays, the roads are too open, right?

The horse-faced man with three flowers gathered on the top stood on the top of a tall building, overlooking the whole city.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and made a move.

Small flags that were invisible to the naked eye flew back from all directions, all the flags were unified, and finally a small flag landed in his palm.

"Disciple, master is gone."

"It can only help here, and you have to work hard for the next road."

He raised his head, and the three flowers on the top of his head were blooming, representing the three bodies, past body, present body, and future body.

One of them, the present body, is the appearance of Mr. Ma wearing glasses in a flash, and it is the gray Bana flower that has formed.

A vision appeared in the sky, the fire burned the clouds, the sky was full of rays of light, and there seemed to be clouds and mists like fairy palaces blowing in the blue sky.

Smoke rose from the horse-faced man's feet and enveloped him, as if turning him into a thick cloud of fire, and lifted into the sky until he entered the cloud and mist like a heavenly palace.

The wind was a bit strong, and some people seemed to hear bursts of Sanskrit sounds from the wind, vaguely, like tinnitus, and thought they had heard it wrong.

The vision in the sky was only for a moment, and some people took photos, but the photos were just a beautiful scenery of the rising sun, burning clouds, and nothing unusual.

[The photo is so beautiful! 】

[The sunrise is so beautiful! 】

【I am a photographer. In fact, when I take pictures, the scenery I see is more beautiful. The clouds are like fairy palaces. Maybe my posture of pressing the camera button is wrong, and the pictures will be different. 】

[It may be due to the refraction of light, many things cannot be photographed. 】

[The wind is too strong, has it blown the cloud away? 】

[Anyway, this photo is really beautiful, can I save it as a desktop? 】

[This is a competition entry, you can collect it after it is announced, but you cannot make a profit. 】

【Okay thank you! 】


The wind brought a Sanskrit sound, and the little Taotie stood there in a daze, and a soft sigh came from his ear: "Disciple, Master is gone."

The little doll turned its head, looking blankly for the source of the sound.

In the end, he raised his head, only to see the clouds of Asgard that suddenly disappeared.

"Master... is gone?"

The little girl stayed and stayed.

"It can only help here. You have to work hard for the next road."

The sound disappeared, and the clouds in the sky resumed flowing slowly, and the clouds rolled and the clouds relaxed.

Little Taotie lowered his eyes, Diamond's eyes dimmed.

Although I don’t know what Master did, but now that I think about it, the sudden fire on the boat, the dolphins and turtles who helped me ashore, and the fact that the passers-by were not surprised by a doll walking on the road, all of these should be related to Master .

It was Master who helped me, and I was able to return home smoothly.

What she didn't know was that the horse-faced man created a fire scene and was almost killed by lightning.

At the critical moment when the three flowers gathered, the horse-faced man still wanted to send her home, and his spiritual consciousness communicated with the marine creatures to send her ashore.

When the Three Flowers Gathering was completed and the Buddhist gate was opened, he was still stalling for time, and used small flags to set up a meditation formation.

Ordinary people in the formation will be affected and become very Buddhist. They will not make a fuss when they see any strange things, and even make up their own brains to find a reasonable explanation for this strange thing.

After doing this, he saw that the little girl was about to arrive home, so he put away the formation and stepped on the cloud to guide him.


Little Taotie stood at the door of the villa, looking at the tall doorbell, lost in thought.

Just as she was thinking about whether to climb the rock again, the door opened.

The one who opened the door was Hua Jinyan who came back to pick up the pink sweater bear.

He remembered that Little Taotie liked this little bear the most, and always said it was her first plush doll, and it was No.1 in her heart.

Maybe take this little bear to the hospital and she'll wake up sooner.

But just as he was about to walk out the door, his trousers were caught by something.

He thought it was the "little lion" biting his trouser leg, and sighed: "little lion, stay at home obediently, let go."

Did not let go.

Hua Jinyan frowned, looked down, but saw a little doll, the little doll reached out and grabbed his trouser leg, Diamond blinked his eyes, and softly called out: "Hua Jinyan~"

 Babes~~ I dragged the little Taotie who has turned into a little doll to ask for a wave of monthly tickets~~~
  The author [come to a big bowl of noodles]: "Cub, hurry up and sell everyone~~"

  Little Taotie blinks at you with the baby's diamond eyes, and the little milk voice is childish: "Fan grandma, fan grandpa, fan dad, fan mother, fan sister, fan sister, fan brother, fan brother~~~"

  She pursed her lips shyly, her dimples were shallow, her ears were red, and she lowered her voice: "Can you, vote for me?"

  Author [Lai Bowl Big Bowl of Noodles]: "Have you ever been caught by the 'bolingboling' diamond eyes? Haha! Please, those who have monthly tickets, vote quickly~~~"

  Online humble begging for a monthly ticket, now on the list~~~
  I will save more manuscripts today and tomorrow, and I will write more on the 10th, which will be updated on the 10th!And count the list of babies who voted monthly and gave rewards!love you~~~
  Little Taotie wink, with a ruddy mouth pouting, and a baby voice: "Wow~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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