Chapter 905 The doctor transferred
The ghost mask has taken off the mask, revealing an extremely ugly face, with a pair of upturned fox eyes, a flat nose, a big nose, many blackheads, and a hare lip!

His sideburns are full of hair, and the beard on his face is not shaved. He seems to be of mixed race, so his beard is yellowish in color, more like the hair of a beast.

The whole face, at first glance, really doesn't look like a human being.

As he said, like the offspring of monsters, like foxes and rabbits.

In the glass container, Bai Shuang only felt hot eyes. As Qingqiu Diji, she was surrounded by beautiful little monsters. This kind of ugly monster was not even qualified to carry her shoes.

Bai Shuang lowered her eyes, not looking at this disgusting face, and said coldly: "Can you really get in?"

The man laughed: "I'm a genius, I have a doctor's license, and I'm also a registered doctor, so I'm supposed to be transferred to do an expert clinic."

He put on a mask to cover the hare lips and the beard on his face, only showing those fox eyes, which is not so ugly.

He put on a white coat, made a few phone calls, and contacted several members of the organization.

Soon, he was successfully transferred to the hospital where Little Taotie was.


Because of Hua Jinyan's prediction, and the friendship between the Tao family and the dean, Xiao Taotie was sent to the special ward on the highest floor, and there were no other patients on the whole floor, and the Tao family arranged for the stairs and elevator entrances. There are bodyguards on guard.

Cheng Guodong suddenly received an emergency call, and his overseas business was in trouble.

Qin Xin: "Go, we are all here, you are the only one missing."

Cheng Guodong turned off the phone directly without making a sound or leaving.

If the business is lost, it is lost. How can a sister be important!
He won't leave. If my sister doesn't wake up, he will stay here all the time!
At this moment, a picture suddenly flashed through my mind...

The little white beast was lying in an ice coffin, under the ice and snow, he and... many lions?Anyway, it is not a human being, some kind of beast, guarding in front of the ice coffin.

At that time, he seemed to have had the same thought. He stayed here until his sister woke up!
What kind of messed up idea?How could I not be human?
Cheng Guodong shook his head and waved these absurd pictures out of his mind.

"Knock, knock..." There was a knock on the door of the ward.

Gu Yixing, who was closest to the door, opened the door and frowned: "Didn't you check it this morning? Why are you here again?"

The doctor came in with a cart full of medical materials, "Another examination is needed."

"Certificate." Qin Xin looked at him coldly and asked him to show his certificate.

The doctor took out the certificate.

Tao Mo stepped forward to take a look, but was still worried, so he made a phone call to ask the dean.

When he hung up the phone, everyone looked at him questioningly.

Tao Mo: "The dean said that this is a transferred doctor, maybe he can help, and arranged for him to come over for a checkup."

"Just transferred here?" Qin Xin was suspicious.

Tao Mo nodded: "He was specially transferred here, he has experience in treating vegetative people."

Cheng Guodong: "I did ask the dean to call in more experienced doctors."

Tao Mo: "I also asked him to call in some more experts, but this is the only one here."

Everyone looked at the doctor standing at the door, and relaxed their vigilance at the moment.

Doctor: "Some people have patients in their hands, and they can't get out for the time being. The comatose patient I was attending woke up not long ago, so I happened to be free, so I came here. By the way, that patient also knows Xiao Taotie, but he only has legs and feet. It's not very convenient, and he needs to cooperate with rehabilitation, so I advise him not to come."

He took out a photo with the patient and showed it to everyone, "That's him."

(End of this chapter)

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