Chapter 906

In the photo, the doctor is pushing a wheelchair, and the director is sitting in the wheelchair.

It was the director who interviewed Xiao Taotie, but canceled the filming in the end, and was almost murdered.

Cheng Guodong was surprised: "Are you his attending doctor?"

Because the ultimate purpose of this matter was to attack Cheng Guodong's plan to develop overseas fruit business, the reason was that the director was involved because of Cheng Guodong, so after the director fell into a coma and was hospitalized, Cheng Guodong borne the medical expenses.

Cheng Guodong did his best, and told the dean there that as long as the person is cured, it doesn't matter how much money is spent.

Later, the dean contacted him once, saying that an expert came back from overseas training and was going to let him try it. It seems that this expert is the one in front of him.

It is indeed a bit of a skill to be able to wake people up.

Cheng Guodong looked at the person on the bed, hesitant, this is not my sister on the bed.

And the real sister is actually in the lounge inside.

He thought the doctor might be able to revive his sister, and wanted him to examine the real sister.

But I feel very risky, after all, who knows that he is a good guy and a bad guy.

In the end, he still didn't say that the real sister was in the other room, but made way for the doctor to check on the "sister" on this hospital bed.

The little girl on the bed was as old as her younger sister, but she had been in a vegetable state for more than a year, and she was a patient transferred from another hospital.

One year has already wiped out all the expectations of the family to wake up the child.

Her parents did want her to wake up quickly at first, but they became more and more reluctant in the face of expensive medical bills.

At the beginning of this year, her mother was pregnant. They were looking forward to the birth of a new baby, and gradually replaced the imported medicine used to treat the girl with the cheapest medicine.

He even revealed in private that he wanted the child to be euthanized.

Originally, Cheng Guodong was very opposed to using this child, but Qin Xin felt that this was not a simple use, but a mutual benefit.

Maybe this child is lucky, because he was lying here instead of his sister, and was able to wake up miraculously with expert treatment.After all, if this child is not used, this child will not live until the end of the year, and her parents are determined to give up treatment.

They gave the parents a sum of money, and they agreed without hesitation.

In fact, this is very risky, if someone does something to the unconscious little Taotie, the life of the substitute lying here may be in danger.

And the parents expressed that even if they didn't die because of the danger, they couldn't afford the medical expenses, and once a new life was born, they would give up the treatment.

Cheng Guodong took the child over as a substitute, thinking that he should also be responsible for the child, so the child resumed imported medicine here, and chose the best medicine that her parents were reluctant to use before.

Cheng Guodong also hoped that this doctor would be useful, that he might be able to heal this poor child who had been in a coma for a year.

The doctor pushed the medical cart forward and began to examine the girl.


Hua Jinyan had already come to the door of the ward with his schoolbag on his back, and there was a little doll hidden in his schoolbag.

The little doll peeked out from the untightened zipper of the schoolbag, and saw a doctor in a white coat examining the person on the bed.

The person on the bed had his eyes closed, his face was pale, and he looked very much like himself.

But as Xiao Taotie himself, he can still tell that the one who is painted so pale is not himself at all!
In fact, it is very difficult to pretend to be a little glutton, no matter how skilled the makeup artist is, it is still difficult to do so.

Because Xiao Taotie's eyes are so beautiful, it can't be made with makeup at all.

(End of this chapter)

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