Chapter 917 Feng Qi's Whisper

Back at the hospital, the little girl insisted on doing rehabilitation exercises again, took a bath with the help of the nanny, and sat in a wheelchair.

"I want to see Sleeping Beauty sister."

The nanny sighed softly: "That is also a poor child. His parents are going to give up on her. I heard that a newborn will be born at the end of the year. At that time, they will completely give up treatment and let her die by euthanasia."

"A newborn is born?"

"Her mother is pregnant and the due date is at the end of the year."

"Why can you give up on Sleeping Beauty when you have a new child? Isn't she their child?"

The nanny sighed: "They wanted to give up the expensive medical expenses a long time ago. If the child doesn't come, maybe they still want to persist, but with the arrival of a new life, they also have to think about the future for the new life. Go on endlessly."

Little Taotie still couldn't understand.

Just like when mothers in the mountains have twins, they treat themselves very badly.

In fact, she was very sad in her heart, and she couldn't understand why she couldn't give herself a little love, but later she knew that she was not their child, so she was relieved.

But the young lady is different, Sleeping Beauty is their biological child.

The nanny was helpless: "Money makes people look ugly. If you have money, you won't give it up even if you think about it."

Little Taotie couldn't understand even more, tilted his head and asked, "Aren't there many foundations that donate? They can apply, and they will get help..."

"It's not that easy to apply." The auntie nanny shook her head, and didn't want to go into the details of the difficulty.

She knows that Xiao Taotie loves to do good deeds and likes to donate money. She has donated all her previous film salaries, but these are really just a drop in the bucket.

People who have encountered difficulties are applying, some are fishing in troubled waters, those who are not too difficult are also applying, and some who are fraudulent are also applying.

Some foundations may really want to help people, but later they will find that it is not that simple, and they will continue to raise the threshold for application approval to avoid being cheated of money, but because of raising the threshold, it has also led to some Those who really need help will not be able to pass for a long time.

While talking, the two came to the ward downstairs.

The nurse opened the door and greeted with a smile: "I came to see her again, what story do you want to tell her this time?"

"Hello, Auntie." Little Taotie greeted obediently, tilted his head and thought for a while, "Today I'm going to tell the story of Beauty and the Beast."

"This sounds good, can I hear it?"


Little Taotie came to the bed, looked at the girl who was getting thinner and thinner on the bed, and said softly, "Sister Sleeping Beauty, I'm coming to see you again. Today is a story every day, and I will tell you the story of Beauty and the Beast."

"In a magnificent castle lived an arrogant and selfish prince. One cold winter night, an old beggar woman came to the castle. She presented the prince with a red rose and asked him to let her escape the cold wind."

"The prince saw that she was ugly and strange, so he wanted to drive her away. The old beggar woman said to the prince: the inner beauty is the real beauty. But the prince still refused to let her stay. At this time, the old beggar woman suddenly changed, Become a witch!"

"In order to punish the prince, she performed magic and turned him into an ugly beast..."

"The witch left him the rose, which can only bloom until his 21st birthday. If he learns to love others before the rose withers, and at the same time can get the other's love, the magic will be broken, otherwise, he will never Can't restore human form!..."

"Seeing that the last petal of the rose was about to fall, Belle hugged the wounded beast and said affectionately: Don't die, I love you!"

"Before Belle finished speaking, the magic was miraculously lifted!"

"The wounded beast turned back into a handsome prince, and Belle finally got the love she longed for..."

"Sleeping Beauty, the story is over. The story of Beauty and the Beast tells us that inner beauty is the real beauty."

After Xiao Taotie finished telling the story, he was about to leave as usual, but found that Miss Sleeping Beauty's fingers moved!
In the vast sea of ​​consciousness, there was a childish voice, telling stories one after another. The previous stories were nothing special, but this time the story made the sleepy Feng Qi struggle a bit. Waking up from a deep sleep.

She still closed her eyes, moved her mouth slightly, and murmured in the sea of ​​consciousness: "They said, you agreed to marry me because you saw the portrait and thought I was pretty. It was just because of my pretty skin... This is not the love I want ..."

 6st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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