Chapter 918 The Ancient Apiao

"The tide is coming..."

"The Great Destruction Period..."

"Even if it is the God of War, it is impossible to win..."

"Why don't you go..."

"Knowing that you will never come back..."

"I can't come back..."

Whispering, she opened her eyes suddenly, with a pair of bright red pupils, and blood dripped from the corners of her eyes.

"I woke up?"

For a moment, her memory was confused, her expression was in a trance, and her eyes were dull.

There are pulsating blue veins on the forehead...

The chaotic memory caused the entire sea of ​​consciousness to riot, and the powerful force seemed to break through the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

The nurse looked at the heart rate monitor and was shocked: "Doctor! Something is going to happen!"

She rang the bell and rushed out again to call for someone.

After a while, many doctors and nurses came.

Little Taotie wanted to stay here, but she was too young, so she was finally invited out by the doctor.

Not long after, the hospital bed was rolled out.

Little Taotie looked worriedly at the girl on the hospital bed full of tubes, she was pale and thin.

Doctors and nurses rushed her to the operating room and closed the door of the operating room.

"Auntie, is she... will something happen?"

The auntie nanny sighed and shook her head: "I don't know either."

She couldn't say it well, but in fact, she felt in her heart that there was probably something wrong.

It's just that she can't talk nonsense, and she can't tell little Taotie like this, for fear that the little girl will be upset.


"Go back and rest?" the nanny asked softly.

It's past one o'clock in the morning.

The little girl's eyelids were clenched and she was drowsy, but she shook her head vigorously to wake herself up: "No, I have to wait for Sleeping Beauty sister to come out!"

The auntie nanny couldn't hold back the little girl, so she could only sigh softly and continue to accompany the little girl.

Not far away, Jin Yin frowned, feeling sorry for Zai Zai, but seeing Zai Zai's determination, he didn't step forward to persuade him.

Three in the morning.

When Little Taotie was about to fall asleep, she felt a gaze staring at her.

She raised her head abruptly and froze.

so beautiful!
What a beautiful sister!

Xiao Taotie is now an eye-opening little girl, and the people she sees the most in the entertainment industry are handsome men and beautiful women, but she is still amazed at this moment.

Little Taotie swears that this is the most beautiful person she has ever seen, except for the girl who turned into a little white beast in a dream, this is the most beautiful person who actually appears before her eyes.

The person in front of her was wearing a fiery red long dress, very flamboyant red, the red made her skin look like creamy white jade, she had a pair of phoenix eyes with raised eye tails, which was alluring and innocent.

These are a pair of red pupils, which are the same color as her flamboyant red dress. Her eyelashes are long and dense, like a row of small fans. She has a small Qiong nose, bright red cherry lips, and her small face is full of apple muscles. The feeling of a little baby fat makes people think that she is not very old, she should only be about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Xiao Taotie looked down and found that she was floating, and when she looked carefully, she was a bit transparent, but in fact, compared to the A Piao that Xiao Taotie had seen before, she was much more solid, and she almost thought she was a real person.

If she hadn't been wearing ancient costumes and had red pupils, the little girl wouldn't have felt something was wrong and wouldn't have looked at her feet.

"Auntie, can you get me some snacks, I'm a little hungry."

"Okay, I'll come as I go."

After dismissing the nanny, she looked at Jin Yin who was standing at the corner. The little girl turned her body to the side, blocking Jin Yin's view of her own face.

Little Taotie asked softly: "Beautiful sister, are you the ancient A Piao? Why are you in the hospital?"

 7st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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