Chapter 919 Sister is so beautiful


The red eyes blinked slightly, and the long and dense eyelashes fluttered.

Little Taotie was almost fascinated, and the little milk's voice was soft: "Sister is so beautiful..."

Feng Qi lowered her head to meet the little girl's obsessed expression, was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook her head.

This scene seems to overlap with a scene from a long, long time ago.


At that time, there was chaos in Qingqiu, the reason was that Bai Shuang provoked the mount of the God of War, which made the God of War furious, entered Qingqiu, and killed Granny Gushu.

Although Feng Qi has no relationship with Bai Shuang, after all, he is not a father, but he still has a little relationship with Granny Gushu.

She wanted to see what the mount that God of War regarded as a treasure looked like.

After all, everyone in Qingqiu thought that Bai Shuang was the fiancée of the God of War at that time, and the mount was actually more important than the fiancée, which was too tricky!
Besides, she heard that the little guy is still a female!
When she came to the place where gods and demons fought, she was stunned when she saw the luxurious palace. After listening to the whispers of the soldiers, she learned that the palace was conjured by the God of War, and it was for his mount to live in.

Before God of War had a mount, he was just a rough guy, living in a dilapidated military tent, he didn't know how to enjoy himself, even if he could change into a luxurious palace, he would not bother to change it.

Since having a mount, the God of War has become a particular person.

She used the invisibility talisman to sneak into the palace secretly. The reason why she was so courageous was that the God of War was not in the palace.

She learned from the warriors that now there is only the mount of the God of War in the palace, which seems to be sleeping.

She looked at the sky and thought it was ridiculous.

On the battlefield, the god of war went out to kill the enemy, and the mount could still lie on the bed and sleep soundly. The god of war is too spoiled. It won't be like this, this is simply pampering my daughter!

She came to the big bed, which was covered with a hazy veil, and she could vaguely see a small white person lying on the bed.

The little white beast showed its white belly, and it looked up to the sky, with four little claws curled up, a round face, a big soft tail, and the whole thing looked like a fluffy and soft cloud.

Feng Qi didn't pay attention to her small ball, but focused all her attention on the mattress.

Is this Qing Luan's feather?
Make a bed with Qingluan's feathers?

Wasn't Xuannv beaten to death?
Wait, there is only one person who can catch Qingluan from Xuannv and get so many feathers!


At this moment, Feng Qi was envious, how spoiled this must be!

Feng Qi is still a minor in Qingqiu, the age who loves to dream most.

She began to make up a big play in her brain.

For example, her fake and deadly sister Bai Shuang found the little white beast in order to eradicate future troubles. After a burst of abuse and humiliation, the little white beast cried loudly and was heartbroken in the arms of the God of War. What a fart, how could his little white beast be so important!
At this moment, the originally hazy window paper between the little white beast and God of War broke, and the relationship between the two sublimated.

God of War also understood his heart, he fell in love with the little beast in vain.

Terrible!This damned love!It's so sweet!
This is the love that Feng Qi yearns for the most~~~
Feng Qi thought of Bai Shuang's reincarnation, her mess fell on her, that damned marriage became her own, her freedom of love was gone, the whole fox was not well, she hung her head and wanted to cry.

At this moment, the gauze bed curtain was lifted, revealing a round, white face, with a pair of eyes as vast and bright as the sea of ​​stars, the little girl looked at her stupidly: "Sister, you are so beautiful... ..."

The memory is too long, but it becomes clear because of the little girl sitting in the wheelchair in front of me.

Feng Qi felt this familiarity, subconsciously stretched out her hand and tapped the little Taotie's brow, sensing something.

Little Taotie didn't hide, because she didn't feel that A Piao was malicious. In fact, the biggest reason was that a beautiful sister couldn't refuse.

Feng Qi closed her eyes lightly, sensing something, opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were full of disbelief, and called hoarsely: "The mount of the God of War, Xiao Taotie?"

 8st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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