Chapter 920 I Can Finally Tell The Dreamland
Little Taotie tilted his head, and said in a childish voice, "It's little Taotie, but..."

Is it the God of War mount?

She doesn't know it herself.

It seems to be in the dream.

But it was a dream, and it cannot be counted.

The little girl's eyes were full of doubts and confusion, but she didn't say anything.

"Beautiful sister, you came out of the operation, are you the soul of Miss Sleeping Beauty? But you look different, so strange."

"Sleeping Beauty?" Feng Qi looked back at the operating room with the lights on, lost in thought.

Her figure drifted into the operating room with the door closed.

Not long after, she floated out again.

Facing the curious eyes of the little girl, she thought for a while and explained: "My reincarnated soul is also incomplete. At the beginning, it may only have fallen here with one soul, but after self-healing, the soul has become one soul and seven souls. This physical body couldn't bear it anymore, that's why I fell into a coma. Now that my soul has two souls and seven souls, I can leave the physical body. If I go back, the physical body may collapse."

"Then... Miss Sleeping Beauty is equal to beautiful sister you?"

"It can be calculated like this."

"Will Miss Sleeping Beauty die?"

"Not for the time being, continuing to be in a coma is the best state."

"Then can't you go back into your body?"

"Two souls and seven souls, it's hard to go back. Unless I find a third soul and completely integrate the three souls and seven souls, I can have a certain degree of control and restore my strength."

Little Taotie lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked softly, "Sister, can I ask you a question?"

"Just ask."

"Am I also incomplete?"

Feng Qi nodded: "I sensed it just now, you only have one soul and three souls."

"Then is my sister and I in the same situation? The soul will repair itself, and then...the body can't take it anymore..."

"It's not the same." Feng Qi shook her head: "I entered reincarnation, my soul collapsed and scattered, but scattered in the same world, and you shouldn't be like this. Maybe this world, from the very beginning, has only your one soul and three souls."

Little Taotie was a little confused, "Then can I find others?"

Feng Qi asked back: "Can you sense the soul fragments?"

"How do you sense it?" Little Taotie asked.

Feng Qi laughed: "This thing can only be sensed by oneself. Everyone's sensitivity is different and the method is also different. One day, you will encounter your own soul fragments, and you will naturally sense it. If there is no abnormality, it means that there is no abnormality." meet."

"Where is that sister's soul, can you sense it?"

"I can sense that I am in this world, but I can't clearly sense where it is."

"Sister, you make me feel so familiar." Little Taotie felt that A Piao was so kind in front of him, seemed very familiar, very familiar, so strange.

Feng Qi stretched out her spiritual hand and touched the little Taotie's head: "We were familiar with each other before, but you only have one soul and three souls, so I can't remember, and I just gathered two souls and seven souls to remember something. However, there is still a soul missing, and I can’t remember what happened, why did we appear in this world with incomplete souls.”

"Sister, I always have some weird dreams, huh?" Little Taotie's eyes widened in surprise: "I used to talk to someone about this, but I couldn't say it, and the voice would disappear when I said it."

"It should be the laws of the world that block what you want to say. This is something that cannot be said."

"But I seem to be able to say it now, I'll try." Little Taotie opened his mouth, looked around cautiously, even a little vigilantly, and whispered: "I dreamed that I was a small white beast, and I was the mount of the God of War, eh , I can really say it! Finally I can say it!"

Feng Qi analyzed: "Maybe it's because, if you don't tell me, I know it, so you can share this matter with me, and you haven't been banned by the power of the law."

 Chapter 9~~~
(End of this chapter)

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